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"Love, you're not getting uglier. Although I dont like seeing these cuts I dont think the scar is going to be ugly. I actually like scars. I love you, you dont know how much I really do love you. I wont stop loving you and I'll never leave you."

"You're very pretty my love, you didnt need to change how you were. You are the person of my dreams and theres no need to become prettier when you are already pretty."

"I've told you already that I'm not going to compliment your body because I'm not using you for your body or any needs. I'm not going to compliment your body because your personality matters more to me."

"This is the only time that I will tell you though, I really disapprove with your decisions with your body. I dont like seeing you this skinny because it's not healthy. Your bones aren't supposed to be showing. Please Innie, I'd like your body to be the way it was before when we met and when were friends."

Chan cried before he felt his boyfriend hug him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you through shit right now. I'm sorry for not listening to you because I was selfish."

"Prince, please go back to the way you were before. I miss seeing your little chubby pink cheeks when you smile" the olders shaking voice spoke.

Jeongin slightly pulled away from the hug to see his boyfriend's face. "Can you try my love?" Jeongin nodded to his boyfriend's question "I'll try, I dont like seeing you cry because of me."

"Can I know why you started doing this in the first place love?" "I havent been with anybody before because no one notices me. So, when we first started dating and I had your attention, I felt like I needed to be pretty so that you wouldn't leave me. It feels nice to be noticed and have someone's attention but I thought that after a while, you'd leave because of my body or because I was getting boring."

"I changed my body first because I thought that was the main reason but I just ended up hurting you. I didnt mean to hurt you so bad. I was planning on changing how I was next but I dont think you'd approve much after not approving of my body"

"I'm sorry, I just thought I need to change if I was going to be with someone and have someone's attention."

Chan looked at the boy with sad eyes after the younger explained. He felt bad the white haired boy thought that way.

Left Out | JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now