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The couple was now on the couch cuddling after leaving the kitchen when Chan got a call.


"Chan where are you? We've been waiting for you for the past hour and a half" Hyunjin questioned.

"Oh I'm with Innie, he wanted to hang out"

"So you'd rather hang out with him than us?" the taller blonde asked.

"Listen, I like hanging out with all of you guys but I wanted to hang out with him today. I was going to tell you guys but something happened and I forgot."

There was a groan on the other side of the phone before the taller blonde spoke again "next time just tell us. We wasted such a long time waiting for you just so you wouldn't come but hang out with Jeongin."

"I know I'm sorry but not about hanging out with Jeongin, he's a pretty chill person to hang out with"

"I'm sorry Chan but I didnt ask. Now I'm going to go, I'm fucking starving" Hyunjin announced before hanging up.

"I told you they dont like me. You should've told them something else, then they probably wouldn't be mad at you" Jeongin immediately spoke after the call ended, just then receiving a call from the shortest of the eight.

"Hi Changbin!"

"Way to make us waste our time. Chan would've been doing better things than hanging out with you! The shorter yelled.

Jeongin flinched before responding "oh.... right. Im sorry. Do you want him over?" "Not anymore! We're already inside the restaurant!"

"O-oh, I'm sorry. I did something stupid and selfish which stopped him from leaving. I swear I wont do it again, it was my fault he didnt go. I'm sorry."

"Just shut up already. You're starting to get annoying. Now, let us eat in peace." Was the last thing Changbin said before hanging up the phone, not letting the younger speak.

The white haired boy looked at his boyfriend before weakly smiling "he does that a lot but I know he doesnt mean it" chan shook his head "don't listen to him. Its okay, I kind of didnt want to go because we've been hanging out with them a lot"

Jeongin nodded as the two continued cuddling for another hour or so until Jeongin had to go to work.

Left Out | JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now