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Jeongin and Chan were back to making the mango float cake. Well, Chan was back to making the mango float cake since he didnt allow the injured white haired boy to do anything when he tried.

The cake was soon done and Jeongin volunteered to at least put it in the refrigerator. While they waited for the cake to be done, the Aussie continued to tease the white haired boy.

"Innie, you look amazing" "thank you Chan" "you're really pretty" "thank you Chan" "how am I your friend? Can we just date already, you're literally perfect"

The taller stopped. What? What did Chan say? "You- you want to date me?" "If you're okay with that?" The blonde half joked. "Why me though" "prince, I'm kidding" "o-oh, good 'cause you can definitely find someone better than me" the younger smiled.

The older didn't want lecture with the younger so he just let it slide and spoke "is it okay if I kiss your forehead?" The younger boy nodded and closed his eyes as the shorter held his head and came closer to him.

The fox like boy was feeling butterflies and heat rise to his face as the older kissed his forehead. Felix did that often but it felt different when Chan did it.

"I'm sorry, we're not a couple and I'm kissing you" Chan imeadietly apologized after kissing the boy's forehead. "Its It's alright, Felix does this with me a lot"

"Anyways, let's play video games?" "Fuck yeah, let's go" the two played games for a while until it was time to get ready for bed.

The two were done getting ready for bed and Jeongin was laying his blanket out on the ground. "What are you doing?" Chan asked in confusion "I'm.... going to sleep" "not on the ground" "I'm alright here Chan, don't worry"

"I doubt you're going to fall asleep on the hard ass ground" "I can though" Chan didnt speak and picked Jeongin up bridal style.

"Chan put me down, it's ok, I'll sleep on the ground" "no, you're sleeping with me in a warm and comfortable bed" "no! I'm actually okay with sleeping on the ground"

"I'm not okay with it though" "put me down, I'm too heavy to be lifted. I'll sleep on the ground!" "No you're not to both of the things you said"

"Fine I'll sleep with you but please put me down I'm too heavy to be lifted" the Aussie looked at the boy in his arms with his eyebrows furrowed "too heavy? Are you calling me weak?"

"Just put me down already for the love of God. I dont like being lifted because I'm way too heavy for that. Moving on, let's go to your room"

The curly blonde haired male did as he was told and put the younger down. The taller made his way to Chan's room to lay on the bed since he didnt want to face his friend after pretty much confessing he was insecure.

The older male was glad the younger was already laying in bed when he walked in. He walked over to the empty side of the bed and layed next to Jeongin.

He decided to wrap an arm around the younger's waist and put the other arm on his back while his hand was in the white hair on the taller's head. "Are you comfortable?"

Jeongin quietly hummed to the question the older asked as he was about to go to sleep. "Good night" Chan spoke "good night" Jeongin replied before drifting off to sleep.

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