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Jeongin turned around after hearing the familiar voice, only to be met with Chan's warm smile.

"It is you! How are you?" Jeongin looked at Chan who was walking towards him.

"I've been alright, you?" "I've been in a good mood after meeting you if I'm being honest. I've been thinking about us hanging out, do you maybe want to do that right now?"

Jeongin looked up at Chan after hearing the request. "Its a little late no? Isnt it almost eleven?" Jeongin replied. " I mean, do you have to be home at the moment?"

The younger shook his head "my parents aren't home. I guess I can go with you. Let me tell Felix first" Jeongin said as he grabbed his phone from his back pocket, soon putting it back after he sent the text.

"Let's go!"

The older blonde had taken Jeongin for a late night walk throughout the park they were at before sitting down on a bench.

"The night is nice no? Its empty, you feel free, no ones around to judge you, it's not noisy, and theres just- I don't know how to explain how nice I find the nights"

Chan spoke before taking a deep breath and releasing it afterwards while closing his eyes. Jeongin stared at the older, noticing how beautiful the older really was. "Jeongin?"

Jeongin stopped starring at the older and snapped out of thought when the blonde spoke "huh? Oh, yeah, the night is amazing"

Chan smirked "were you starring at me" the older teased while bouncing his eyebrows "n-no! I was looking at the tree behind you!" "Theres no tree behind me though Princess"

Jeongin squealed at the name as he curled up into a ball and hid his red face behind his hands. Chan chuckled "I'm kidding, it's alright, I get that I'm Athena's son"

"Shut up!" Jeongin said as he lightly his the older's arm making Chan laugh "I'm the prince of beauty okay" "Chan!"

"Okay okay, but dont hide anymore. I prefer seeing your face than seeing your knees" Jeongin immediately got out of the ball he was in and apologized "I'm sorry"

"Hey hey, it's alright, I dont really mind, dont worry" "no but I was being rude-" "Jeongin" Chan cut off.

"Seriously, I don't mind and it's not that serious" Jeongin nodded and they went back to talking. "Like I was saying, the night is beautiful. I like the night more than day, what about you?"

"I also prefer the night time, just not at the moment because it's already cold but it gets colder but in warmer times its beautiful" Jeongin explained.

The older nodded "yeah, same here, it's better in warmer temperatures"

The two continued talking for about an hour before having to split up and go to their own homes at around two in the morning.

Left Out | JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now