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Months had passed and the couple had still been together. The two boys were currently going in and out of shops since they had nothing to do.

Jeongin came across a very expensive but beautiful pastel blue shirt. The younger just wowed at it before putting it back and continued walking.

Chan on the other hand, saw his boyfriend look the shirt and put it back. The Australian male grabbed the shirt and took it, following the younger after he did so.

The two were about to leave the shop but Chan stayed back to pay for the shirt. After paying, the couple then went to a food court and started eating, Chan paying for everything.

"Thank you so much Chan, this is amazing" "of course love, anything you want" the two continued eating before they were interrupted "I can't believe you still choose him over us."

The couple looked up to see who spoke, only to see the tall long haired male. "Hyunjin come back here and leave them alone!" Felix was heard yelling in the background.

"You could've done so much better than dating some outcast" Hyunjin stated before walking to the rest of the friend group.

"They don't talk to me much anymore. They started to leave me out more than they usually do but I guess they're still happy which is all that really matters."

Jeongin told his boyfriend "things happen after graduating. I lost all of my so called friends but I'm alright with it, I have you as my boyfriend now to keep me company."

Chan smiled "forget about them if they're going to do the same to you. Now, let's continue our date" Jeongin nodded to his boyfriend's words before they continued eating.


It was now night time of the same day and the couple was back out, walking to a nearby Walmart to play with trolleys. The two boys grabbed a trolley and started pushing it around.

Jeongin decided to put himself in the trolley for the older to push him. Chan did that and pushed the boy around the parking lot while running, the younger laughing as he got pushed.

The two then switched rolls, Chan in the trolley as Jeongin pushed him around, the older also laughing as he got pushed around. The young couple soon got tired and sat down on the parking lot concrete before they started laughing.

"I love this, can we do this more often" "sure we can baby"  the older smiled at his boyfriend who was also smiling at him.

"Can I?" Jeongin nodded, earning a kiss as the two smiled. The two kissed for a little before pulling away, Chan kissing his boyfriend's dimple and forehead.

"You're always kissing my dimple" " 'cause it's adorable" "then can I kiss yours?"

Chan smiled at his boyfriend before tapping his dimple "go ahead" the younger boy smiled and kissed the older's dimple.

The blonde haired Aussie sighed content of their moment before speaking "your personality is amazing. I love you. Your eyes are so beautiful. Your smile is so pretty. You just make me fall for you even more every day."

Jeongin sheepishly smiled and looked down after hearing his boyfriend's words. "I love you Chan. I love how you always ask for consent and make sure I'm comfortable, no matter the situation. You're always so caring for everything. Your personality is just so amazing, I love everything about it"

"Your smile is also so pretty. Your laugh is one of my favorite things about you. You have such beautiful big eyes that I love so much. I love you Chan"

Chan smiled at his boyfriend as he cupped the younger's face "I love you too, can I?" Jeongin nodded and the two kissed for a moment. "I love you so much" Jeongin was the first one to admit with a smile.

"I love you as much as you love me" Chan admitted with a smile before kissing the younger's forehead and dimple. Jeongin then placed soft kisses on the older's forehead and dimple with a smile.

"I love you"

"I love you too Princess"

'But it's the way you smile that does it for me'

Sweet - Cigarettes After Sex

The End

And cut! Thats the end of 'Left Out'. Thank you guys for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

What are your thoughts on this book? Honest feedback works, I wont take anything to heart :).

If you liked this story, make sure to check out my other books and the follow up to this called 'Left Out Again'

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and find all the love you deserve. I love you guys.

I think that's it

Soo yeah okay bye ✌

Left Out | JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now