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"Bin, I don't get why you dont like me caring for Jeongin when he also needs love and attention" Felix spoke with a shaky voice.

"You're a lot more gentle with him than the rest of us" Changbin tried reasoning "yeah, it's because- Bin please understand hes younger which is why I'm giving him more care"

"That's not a good enough excuse!" "I dont need to give you an excuse to be able to care more for one of my friends more than you."

"Why dont you just date him at this point if you care so much more about him than me?!"

"Wait! I didnt mean it like that. I'm sorry" the freckled boy said whispered "I'm sorry. I meant, there's a reason on why I give him more love and attention. I don't like him like that. I'm so sorry"

"Don't try saying that now after you told me you care more about him than me" Changbin yelled.

Felix flinched but still calmly spoke "but I really don't like him that way. I have my reasons to care more about him"

"Then tell me the reason before I break up with you" "Bin please don't be like this. Please dont break up with me"

"Then get him off your lap and tell me why you care more about him than me" Felix now had tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Hes sleeping-" "then wake him off and get him off you!" "Changbin, he doesnt sleep often-" "that's not my problem, get him off your lap and tell me now before I break up with you!"

"Jeongin" Felix gently repeated as he shook the boy on his lap "Innie, love, please go to my room where the others are" Jeongin sleepily did as he was told and slowly started waking up when he heard yelling.

"You babied him again! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Tell me why you care more for him than me!" Jeongin flinched and looked back to see Felix looking down.

"I'm sorry-" "no that's it! We're breaking up!" "No, no, no! Please listen. Please dont leave me. Please please please. I care more for him because his parents dont care for him like they're supposed to"

Who were they talking about? Who's parents dont care for them? Who was Felix defending? Were they actually about to break up? Jeongin thought.

"He doesnt notice it though and I don't want him to get hurt so I just replace his parents! Bin please dont break up with me. I love you. I like him but not in that way" Felix cried. As much as Jeongin wanted to help his friend he decided that going to the freckled boy's room was the best option.

"You're lucky you have a good excuse to be babying him. Just quit babying him so much, hes already eighteen" Felix looked up with shock as he wiped his tears.

"Thank you, thank you! I really dont want to lose you. I'm sorry. Is it okay if I still replace his parents though?" Hearing this come out of the freckled boy made Changbin roll his eyes "I guess so but watch the amount you're babying him"

Felix nodded and went to retrieve the others. Just as Felix called for them, Jeongin looked at the time, realizing that if he didnt start his night routine he wouldn't be able to sleep early or at all.

"I've got to go guys, I don't be able to sleep if I dont go now" the youngest announced, to which only Felix heard.

"Okay love- Jeongin, make sure to go to bed early. See you!" "Bye Lix, I love you" "I..." Felix looked at his boyfriend who was glaring at him "I love you too Innie"

Jeongin opened the door and left the freckled boy's house to go back to his own after a walk.

As he was walking, there were footsteps heard behind the fox like boy making him very couscous about his surroundings. Jeongin stopped when the person walking behind him spoke "Jeongin?"

Left Out | JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now