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Jeongin sighed as he plopped himself on the couch after eating, about to text his boyfriend to at least greet him since they havent talked at all yet.

The white haired boy decided to not do what he was going to do and threw his phone on the other side of the couch with a small upset groan. The tall fox like boy decided he was going to take a nap in hopes of the day going by faster.

The young boy closed his eyes and soon fell into a slumber with the feeling of loneliness accompanying him.


While Jeongin was at his graduation ceremony, Chan was currently at a flower shop buying two bouquets of roses. After leaving the flower shop, he went to a bakery and bought two small cakes with the words 'happy birthday' on it and another small one that said 'I love you'.

Chan drove to the first location and took a bouquet of Rose's and the small cake that read 'happy birthday'. He walked up to the familiar spot and sat down on the grass, placing the bouquet on the ground with a weak smile.

"Hi mom, it's been a while. I'm sorry I havent been able to visit. I've been busy with work and my boyfriend. Anyways, how have you been?.... Hopefully you've been good. It's your birthday mom, you would've been thirty six today."

"You would've came a long way but I know life was a bit harsh on you..... Let's cut the cake, you deserve a piece for doing such a good job of being the best mom. I'm proud of you for getting as far as you got."

Chan took the plastic top off the cake and put some candles on the cake, lighting them up after he did so. The curly haired blonde then started singing happy birthday to his mom with a weak voice.

After singing the short song, the blonde male blew out the candles for his mom with a smile "I'm sorry mom, I swear I'm not forgetting you. I'm sorry, I'm the worst for not visiting."

Chan apologized before cutting the cake "here mom, have the rest, you deserve it" the male said after he got a small piece of cake.

"I hope you like the roses I got you, but I think you will since you told me roses were your favorite" he spoke before taking a bite of the cake.

"I also go a red velvet cake because you like it.... I love you mom" Chan spoke as his voice started cracking and his eyes welled up with tears.

The curly haired blonde cried for a few minutes before wiping his tears away "I'm sorry mom, I know you wouldn't like me to cry because of you but I miss you so much"

The Australian cried again for a moment "okay now I'm done, I'm sorry for crying. I have to get going mom, happy birthday. Im sorry I only visited for such a short time, I'll be back in a little. I love you so much. I miss you a lot. I hope you're happy now."

He said before kissing the stone with his mom's name, birth and death day and getting up to leave "happy birthday, you're the best mom" the male said before turning to go back to his car.

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