Chapter 10

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A/n: Character's full names for reference! Maria Rambeau, Monica Rambeau, Y/n Summers, Suzume Matsui, Rowan Murphy, Thiago Santos.

She wasn't sure how long she was out for. All she knows is that the sound of machines beeping around her weren't exactly a good reminder of the last time she was in a similar setting. Hospitals were one of her least favorite places, the first one would be—

"Y/n? Y/n Summers, can you hear me?" she heard a man's voice ask her, before it spoke to someone else. "I think she's awake now, she's responding well. Still, don't push her too hard. Keep in mind that she's still recovering. Only ask what you need to know for now."

"Alright," a woman's voice answered. Y/n heard some footsteps shuffling to her right. She opened her eyes bit by bit, letting it adjust slowly to the lights in the room. Her headache is mostly gone now but her throat was parched.

"Y/n? My name is Monica. Monica Rambeau," she said, settling down on a chair next to y/n's bed. "I'd like to ask you a few simple questions. I know it's not really a good time, but considering the urgency related to current matters..." she said, her sentence hanging in the air. "Would you kindly assist me with some information? I promise I won't bother you more than I need to."

Y/n nodded, wanting to answer but her voice only came out in a croak. She managed to whisper out drily, asking for some water. Monica quickly poured some into a small paper cup before giving it to y/n, watching as she gulped the liquid down fast. She patiently waited for her to readjust before she spoke.

"Monica Rambeau? The Ms. Rambeau? Pleasure to meet you. Sorry that it had to be in these circumstances. I would've cleaned up a bit more if I knew you were visiting," y/n said, getting a smile from Monica. "How can I help?"

"You can just call me Monica. Good to see you're doing better y/n. I'd have preferred to do this once you're more stabilized but the situation doesn't allow it." She sat back in her chair, her face thoughtful before asking y/n further. She decided to just jump right in.

"What happened during your mission, y/n? The three of you were badly injured when you were brought in, more so the other two. However, their injuries seemed to be more... Let's just say that some of it didn't look like it was inflicted by bullets or any, physical, weapons. And not to imply anything, but knowing of your abilities, did you—"

Y/n sat up at the mention of her best friends. "Rowan! And Suzume, how are they? Are they okay? Please tell me they're alright," y/n looked desperately to Monica for answers, not hearing Monica's earlier question. Her hands gripped the sheets, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"They're okay. We've managed to stabilize their conditions. However, not too long ago we lost Suzume—" Monica said before y/n cut her off.

"Lost? Wait, what do you mean by lost. Did she...?" y/n could swear her heart had stopped beating.

"Oh no, my apologies y/n. I didn't mean that she passed, God forbid. It's just that, we actually lost Ms. Suzume. As in, she had somehow disappeared from the medical bay."

Y/n looked at Monica, her face shifting from a look of relief to confusion. "What do you mean?"

"When we checked, we found that another staff, Mr. Thiago Santos from the intelligence department, had also disappeared at the same time that Ms. Suzume was reported missing from the med bay. Their files on our system were suspiciously altered around the time of your return. Deleted, to be exact. We have reasons to believe that the Mr. Santos had escaped with Ms. Matsui. Why? Well, that's what we want to find out," she sighs.

Y/n looked down, not knowing what to think. She noticed how Monica wasn't referring to them as agents anymore, telling her how serious the situation was. It was too much information to process in her condition. But she knew that she had to tell Monica what she went through. She had to help them so they can help her. Help Suzume. Whatever this whole thing is, it didn't look good.

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