Chapter 32 (part 2)

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A/N : Quick thanks to those that have been reading this far, and also for the votes, even though I'm not that good at this. I see and appreciate all of you for sharing this wordy journey with me :')  A slightly longer chapter here. I hope you're ready for more emotional turmoil because that's my favorite recipe, so let me cook muahahahaha >:D

As hard as she tried, Y/n couldn't seem to close her eyes long enough. She can feel herself drifting into sleep, only to be rudely awakened by the slightest sound. Annoyed, she huffed loudly and rolled in her bed to turn off the alarm she had set for her nap. I need more pills, but I doubt Helen would give them to me as willingly as before; she's going to think I'm addicted or something. And this is probably one of the worst places to get a pill-popping rep, what with Captain Justice around the corner.

She sat up in bed, wondering what to do. She can feel the occasional inkling of emotions stirring from the rest of them. Frustration. Worry. Anxiety. Nervousness. Is that... Finally, something positive! She almost smiled when she let herself feel it, an emotion akin to having a crush. Wait, what if it's Vision's? She shook the thought off, not wanting to think about it. Can he feel emotions this complicated, though? What if it's Wand—She shrugged once more, harder this time, as she tried to shake the image of what might be happening between the two.

Why do I do this to myself? I've more reasons to believe this power is a curse now, she frowns, turning on the TV to distract herself. She managed to do so, scrolling through the channels for a while until suddenly, a thought stopped her. She grabbed her phone, typing into the group chat.

Y/n: Noone's cooking dinner tonight, right?

Natasha: Nobody decided yet. Why?

Wanda: I can cook if you want.

Vision: I can help Wanda.

Tony: Guys, why are we chatting here? This was supposed to be for biz purposes.

Steve: typing...

Y/n: Great. I'm getting pizza. And drinks.

Y/n: *Adult drinks.

Helen: Hi Y/n!

Natasha: You're paying? You know you can just ask Tony...

Y/n: Hi Helen! Fancy seeing you here lol

Tony: Really? No 'Hi, Tony, how you've been?' Straight to the 'pay for my dinner' part?

Natasha: I'm kidding, Stark, relax ha-ha

Tony: Ha-ha indeed.

Wanda: You sure, Y/n? I can make those pelmeni you liked?

Steve: typing...

Helen: Are you okay, Steve? Lol

Y/n: Thanks Wanda, but raincheck on that, please. Now, everyone shush!

Tony: Okay, rude.

Y/n: It's on me, chill. I'm buying pizzas and drinks. Thought it'd be fun since everyone's been so moody for a while now and won't talk about their feelings like adults.

Natasha: I have a feeling this is personally directed...

Wanda: Me too.

Steve: Y/n, what do you mean?

Tony: Finally! Cap made it to the boat. Congrats!

Y/n: It's nothing personal, guys. Dinner will be served at 8 pm sharp in the lounge area.

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