Chapter 21

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The phone call left y/n feeling drained. Heavy. But at the same time, slightly hopeful. She was afraid to put too much hope in her current situation, though. Judging from the team's mixed reaction earlier, she knows that her presence isn't completely welcomed.

She knows how they try to hide their worries behind their words. She can sense it, albeit unwillingly. But she also knows that they aren't completely to be blamed for that. She would feel the same as well if she was in their shoes. She has to behave and play nice with them, more so than some of them are willing to.

She thought back on her conversation with Director Rambeau and Monica earlier. They had spent some time catching up, mainly on what had happened in between Monica meeting y/n, up to when the Avengers had found her. They were baffled by how it happened, but were mostly glad that y/n was okay and was in good company.

The director reminded her to focus on what she was there for. That there were watchful eyes judging her actions, ready to act accordingly if needed. Y/n ended the call by thanking the women for trusting her to make a decision this important, and that she will keep in touch.

Y/n laid awake on the mattress, only able to get a few hours of sleep after she was brought back to her makeshift room. She blinked slowly in the dim lighting, listening to the hum from the bulb as she finally had the time and space to process where she was right now.

The Avengers, huh? Who'd have thought I'd be hanging out in their basement. How long will they keep me here?

Lifting her hand, she watched the blue mist materialize. She still can't explain how that happens. She just knows that by focusing enough, she can somehow will it to flow how she wants it to. She concentrated and the mist surrounded her hand, a weird sensation where she felt like she can almost grasp it. With a deep breath, the mist now slowly formed an orb in her palm, growing slowly and increasing in its density.

She could see the particles swirling around, in awe of this sphere that she had produced. She never took the time to really look at this ability of hers; always fearing that by doing so, it would attract the wrong type of attention. Concentrating a little more, she was able to make the orb float in the air. The more excited she got, the more the blue sphere grew in size. When she realized what was happening, y/n snapped herself out of it.

Shit. Gotta stop for now. I don't really know how to control this yet. Better safe than sorry.

She sighed and turned to lay on her side, wondering how things will be for her from now. Was she like an intern for them to watch over and train, or is she more like a dangerous thing that they'd rather keep contained? Y/n shook the intrusive thoughts away, redirecting her thoughts instead on her powers.

That still feels weird to say. Powers. My powers. It's easier to control now since I'm alone in a room, not distracted by anything. It's doing this outside while being around others that worries me.

Y/n closed her eyes, not wanting to think about it now. She has to trust the process. Trust the Avengers team, at the very least Natasha and maybe Wanda. Most of all, she has to trust herself and her ability to handle all of this well. It's not like she has a choice after all. Not long after, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Y/n stirred awake when she heard the metal door creak open, smelling food before her eyes opened to see who it is. It was Natasha, one hand with a plateful of food and the other with a mug of steaming coffee. Y/n sat up slowly, watching as Natasha placed the food items on the table.

"Good morning," Natasha's voice broke the silence in the room, nodding as she greeted y/n.

"Morning. Mind if I wash up first?" y/n groggily asked as she walked to a nearby sink to clean herself.

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