Chapter 17

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The Quinjet finally arrived nearly an hour later. Natasha skillfully maneuvered the jet, landing it on the slippery white ground at the edge of the blast zone as a snow storm was just coming in.

Steve looked at the radar. "Alright everyone. It's quiet out there for now. But keep an eye out. We're here to investigate what happened, and head home once we have our answers. We'll split into teams of two. Report in if you see anything strange. We'll see where to go from there." The three of them nodded in response.

Steve got ready, discussing a few minor details with Natasha as Vision approached Wanda. She was waiting for the jet's door to open when she heard him ask. "Are you okay? Do you want me to come along with you?"

Steve replied to him as he walked to the door. "Actually, I think you should come with me just in case we have unwanted guests. Storm's getting heavy. I won't be able to see too far on the ground so I'll need you to give me a bird's eye view. Nat and Wanda can go check for the cause of the explosion. Sounds good, Nat? Wanda?"

Wanda just nodded again in reply as Natasha got out of the pilot's seat to join them by the door. "Sounds good, Cap. Don't worry Vis, I'll take care of her." She smiled knowingly at him before turning her attention to Wanda, who was now pensively looking outside at the snowy terrain, her mind already distracted with the possibility of what's out there.

"Very well then. I'll come along with you, Captain."

The four of them stepped out together into the blinding, cold white haze. The acrid smell of burnt chemicals and smoke still hung heavy in the air despite the biting winds.

"We'll split up from here on out. See you in a few, ladies," Steve said as he headed away from them. Vision gave Wanda an assuring smile before flying away, playing his role as Steve's backup in the air.

"So... you ready do this?" Natasha asked, leading the way as Wanda followed behind.

"Ready as I could be, I guess. I just want to know so I can figure out how to move forward with this." Wanda's mind was reeling with so many questions now that she was here, close to figuring out what her dream was about. Who the person was. Why and how this is all happening.

"Let's hope we figure out what this whole thing is about soon. Wouldn't want to be out here for too long in this weather."

Natasha and Wanda walked carefully in the snow, keeping their eyes peeled for any clues or signs of life. But all they could see around them were remnants of buildings. Most of them were destroyed, especially the closer both of them got to the center of the explosion. Wanda pointed out that the explosion must have been really bad, wondering again how someone could've possibly survived it. The thought of what they'll find makes the two women slightly nervous, though neither would say it out loud.

"See anything yet?" Steve's voice asked through their comms, breaking the suspense.

"Nothing much. Lots of rubble cluttering what's left of the streets. How's it looking out there? Anything to worry about?" Natasha replied.

"All clear on the ground so far. Vis?"

"No hostiles in the immediate area." Vision flew around, keeping watch from the air. There were no tracks in and out of the area like he mentioned earlier, and everything was quiet as expected.

"Alright, proceed as planned," Steve replied, "keep each other updated in case of anything."

Wanda and Natasha finally reached the middle of the blast zone, the earlier rubble-cluttered streets now a mere wide clearing. The wind had picked up, blowing snow all around them and further obscuring their line of sight. From a distance, Natasha spotted what appeared to be a body lying in the middle of the empty space. She walked closer to confirm, shocked when she saw a young woman lying on her side, the snow already covering her body.

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