Chapter 50

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Rowan walked into the bar, noting the steel bars on the windows which weren't there the last time he visited. When was that, like two, three years ago? Damn, it's been a while. He pulled on the door handle, smiling when he saw the mostly familiar interior. The bar wasn't as full as it used to be. Some customers sat at the booth while the rest perched on the bar stools, nursing their drinks as they conversed, occasionally glancing at the TV screen on one of the walls. Rowan walked up to the bar, deciding to sit and wait there instead. He raised his hand to call for the bartender as he checked his watch. 6.45 pm.

The bartender, an older gentleman, approached Rowan, smiling widely when he saw him. "Kid! What a surprise! It's really good to see you again! How are you?" He reached over the counter to pat Rowan's broad shoulder, genuinely glad to see a familiar face. He remembered them coming mostly as a trio that frequented his bar every other weekend, celebrating and drinking to many of their ups and downs over the years.

"Hey Charles, it's good seeing you too!" Rowan flashed him a toothy smile. "I'm doing great for all it's worth, alive and grateful." Rowan's voice got smaller as he spoke, both men exchanging meaningful looks with each other.

"Amen to that, kid. Let's have a drink together, your usual? I think I remember your choice of drink," Charles asked, moving the conversation to lighter topics. He offered up a bottle of scotch which Rowan nodded happily to, watching as the old man skillfully poured them both a glass. "This one's on me. To life, and being grateful." He smiled, raising the glass and clinking it against Rowan's before they both downed the contents in one go.

"I see you managed to keep the place running." Rowan looked around, memories coming back to him. "Noticed you've barred your window. Been having problems with security?"

"Yeah, most people I know have done the same thing. You know how it got after... after you know what," Charles replied as he poured Rowan another glass, not wanting to linger on the memory. "Some people used that as a chance to mess shit up. This bar was all I had left after everything. I was lucky to know a guy who helped me install those things; kept hooligans away until today. It's all good, don't worry," he smiled at Rowan. "You here alone or you're expecting your friends? That'll be a nice surprise, it'll be good to see them too," he chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm actually early. She said she'll be here by 7.00 pm."

Charles noticed how Rowan said 'she' instead of 'they', but decided not to probe into the matter. "Sounds good, kid. You want a beer while you wait?"

"Yeah, that'll be great, thanks." Rowan thanked Charles again when he handed him a cold bottle of beer, checking his phone and sending a quick text to Y/n.

I'm here, the old man is asking about you, so hurry up. ;D

Nearly three hours and a couple of bottles of beer later, Rowan checked his phone again, wondering if Y/n was held up by something. She didn't reply to his recent texts, and his calls went straight to her voicemail. At first, he was annoyed when he thought he was being ignored. But even if it was a joke, he knew Y/n wouldn't leave him hanging this long. He couldn't help the uneasy feeling that crept up and wondered if she was okay. He tried his luck again, bringing his phone to his ear as his heart sunk at the sound of her voicemail. He decided to leave a message anyway, just in case her phone died.

"Hey Y/n, Ro here. I've been waiting a while, where are you? I was excited to see you again. You won't put your buddy up for a cruel prank, right?" He laughed nervously before he continued. "Really though, where are you Y/n? I'm getting worried. I'm leaving soon. I'll be crashing at a nearby motel if you happen to be around later. Give me a call and I'll come meet you, okay? Just... please get back to me as soon as you can. Talk to you later, Y/n."

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