Chapter 26 (Part 1)

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A/N : Did I mention that this was sort of an AU story? This can be a reminder hehe. Some Marvel movie hardcores will find the storyline out of order, but that's just how it has to be so this story can be birthed (what a weird way to put it) into this world and to make plotlines work, sorry but not so sorry guys. I hope you'll still enjoy this!

Y/n has been awake for a few hours, spending time in the gym. It's okay. I'm okay, she thought. Her mind was louder than usual today. No matter how hard she pushed herself, she couldn't work through what was bothering her. She moved on to the punching bag, deciding to throw a few swings at it to see if it would help.

What the hell am I doing here around these people. Punch.

These people were nice enough to take me in after what I did, and what do I do? Two quick strikes.

I keep putting them in danger. At this rate, they should just kick me out. Y/n throws a jab, quickly followed by a swift knee to the bag.

Why do they keep me around? Another punch.

Why the fuck am I so useless? I keep fucking shit up!

Y/n lost control of her striking power, punching through the bag as some of the sand filling scattered onto the gym floor, quickly making a small pile by Y/n's feet. She pulled her arm back, regretting not wrapping her fists beforehand as she saw the torn skin on her knuckles already bleeding.

Why don't I have self-control, for fuck's sake. So much for being a trained agent.

Still frustrated but not wanting to destroy anything else, Y/n decided to go to the kitchen. She cleaned her wounds and washed her hands before preparing a PB and J sandwich. She took a big bite as she leaned against the counter, watching the skin on her right knuckle heal slowly as she concentrated on the wound. At least I learned a neat trick. Guess I don't need band-aids anymore.

"Morning Y/n," Natasha walked in, pouring herself a mug of coffee. "Want one?" She asked Y/n.

"Trade you for a sandwich," Y/n replied, to which Natasha shrugged, smiling as she gave Y/n her coffee, accepting the sandwich offered in return gladly. They stood there by the counter, eating and drinking comfortably in silence together, until Natasha noticed Y/n's knuckles.

"What happened there? Got into a scuffle I should know about?"

"It's nothing, don't worry. Just the punching bag in the gym. I... lost control. Tell Tony I'll pay for it. Someday. That's not custom-made, is it?" Y/n asked, trying to change the direction of the conversation.

Natasha chuckled at Y/n's question, but she knew that there was something else bothering her. Instead of asking directly, she decided to ask her to do something else.

"Hey, want to train today? Steve's not here, so why don't you come with me? I know a nice way to blow off some steam," Natasha said knowingly.

"Well, glad to know I'm at least worthy to be Cap's stand-in. Alright. Sure. What can I lose anyway."

"I don't know, your dignity?" Natasha joked, leading the way to the gym again. Y/n laughed, both of them conversing leisurely as they walked. They passed by the punching bag on the way to the training mats.

"Your handiwork, huh? Very impressive, actually," Natasha said, stopping and raising her eyebrows at the crime scene as Y/n walked past her to the mats, not wanting to look at her potentially expensive mistake.

"Aw, come on. I'd hear about it later from Tony, I thought you'd at least give me a break." Y/n face scrunched up, still a bit agitated at the reminder of what happened earlier.

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