Chapter 19

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Y/n opened her eyes slowly, squinting as the light hit her eyes. She tried to reposition herself, only managing to shift her arms from her side a little bit, her whole body feeling heavy. She felt her muscles ache as she flexed her arm to try and prop herself up. When y/n suddenly remembered where she was supposed to be, she sat up as quickly as she could.

She thought she would've been dead by now, lying down on a snowy ground; or worst, surrounded and captured by more HYDRA agents or scientists. Adrenaline kicked in, giving her enough strength to stand up and assess her surroundings. Looking around, she realized that she was indoors in a strange looking room. The room was spacious with tall walls, divided almost in half by panels of glass with a door in it. Beyond the glass panels, y/n could see a metal door further down the wall to her right.

Y/n quickly approached the door by the glass panels, trying to see if she could open it. She pulled and pushed on the door as hard as she could but the door barely budged. This door is too heavy to be a regular door. These glass panels... Are they reinforced? Let me guess, same thing with the walls as well? Someone went all out to fortify the whole damn room. Where the fuck am I?!

Y/n paced the space she was in anxiously, her eyes landing on the mattress on the floor. Besides the mattress, there was nothing else around her. Just plain, miserable gray walls and floor that had various markings and random dents on them. She tried hard to recall how she got into this situation, but the last thing she remembered was being cold and her world turning dark. Am I dead? This can't be heaven. It looks too...depressing. It's still too nice to be hell. It could be hell, just my own personal version of it I guess.

Y/n smiled to herself, feeling a laugh coming. A low, chesty chuckle came out of her as she grew amused by her own predicament. I mean, how many fucking times can someone be kidnapped in their lifetime? Whatever the statistics are, I'm definitely contributing my share of it well. Too fucking well. If only I got paid for this. She laughed drily until she felt her real emotions show, her frustrations and the feeling of being useless finally seething through her coping mechanism.

Y/n channeled her feelings, trying her best to direct the energy to her hand, forming a small, swirling blue orb in her palm. She directed the orb towards the glass, shielding her face when the orb hits it, a loud cracking sound ensuing. She checked the glass, upset to see that the panels had held its integrity despite the miniscule shatters and cracks it now had. She knew she didn't have enough energy to try and blast it again, her previous effort already making her nose bleed as it strained her body.

Not satisfied, y/n took a deep breath before she punched the glass, leading to her pummeling her fist into it as hard as she could. The more she punched, the weaker she began to feel. But she was desperate to escape, and she could feel the glass giving in. Y/n's fist finally managed to punch a hole through it after a few more tries.

She pulled her arm back, stepping backwards until she sat down on the mattress heavily, her head already spinning. She was in no condition to try anything more for now. She didn't want to risk blacking out, so she took deep breaths to steady herself as she looked at her bloodied fists. She closed her eyes for a second to rest, before her eyes shot open again when she heard a door open.

She watched as the heavy metal door beyond the glass panels swiveled open slowly. She saw a red-headed woman stepping into the room, carrying a plate of food and looking in cautiously. The woman was casually dressed, not in tactical gear or a coat of any kind, which puzzled y/n. She was expecting men with guns or scientists with syringes. This woman just looked like a regular person. Well, so did Lilith, y/n thought to herself.

She stood up from the mattress, trying her best to form another orb to defend herself. It was starting to hurt but y/n had to try something. Anything. She watched closely as the woman paused before approaching slowly with her free arm raised, her eyes alternating between the damaged glass and y/n. What else do these people want from me, y/n thought.

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