Chapter 35

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A/N: Hey, a friendly reminder for you guys to let me know if I should write certain scenes in this book! Go check out the previous chapter if you want to know what I'm talking about. Thanks again!

After what felt like a considerably long time in the air, Y/n tumbled on the ground as she struggled to land properly. She estimated that she was near the edge of a small town, judging from the streetlights she saw as she was landing. She laid down to catch her breath, feeling the cool grass underneath her.

After a while, she stood up and checked her phone, realizing that she was at least 700 hundred miles or so away from the compound. Seeing that she wasn't used to flying at such speeds and distances yet, she was surprised that she had made it this far. That has to be good enough for now. I'm spent. Didn't help that the last thing I ate was half a bowl of Lucky Charms.

She proceeded to find a place to stay, not wanting to be outside much longer. After spending some time walking, she found a motel. She paid the man at the front desk extra to book the room anonymously. She entered the dingy room she was given, locking the door behind her and drawing the curtains before sitting on the creaky motel bed in the dim orange lighting of the side table. It was not too long ago that she found herself in a similar situation. The difference is, now she doesn't know how to move forward from here.

She took out her phone and considered texting Natasha to explain to her what happened. After some deliberation, Y/n decided not to do so and removed the sim card from her phone. She washed up and crawled into bed, watching the ceiling in the dark as the buzzing of the light outside her room became the only sound she chose to focus on. If she let her mind take her to where it wanted her to go, she feared that she would be overwhelmed. And losing control wasn't an option right now. So, she listened quietly, the faint buzz becoming somewhat like white noise and lulling her to sleep.

Y/n spent the next two days hiding in the room, only going out to buy food or necessities. Every footstep or voice that passed by her door was cause for panic as she started to overthink. She even got a new number, texting the burner number Clint gave her so he knew how to reach her. She was about to leave the room to buy lunch when suddenly her phone rang. She didn't recognize the number, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it might be Clint. She decided to take a chance, answering the call with a made-up voice just in case.

Y/n : Yes?

?? : He—Hello?

Y/n caught the hesitation in the caller's voice and couldn't help but feel stupid, cringing internally. She decided she'd end the call if it got too weird.

Y/n : Can I help you?

?? : Am I speaking to, uh... redhead's girlfriend?

Y/n hesitated, wondering who was on the line. Redhead's girlfriend? Who's—Wait.

Y/n: Is this, um, arrow...boy?

?? : I guess that depends. Have you heard the joke about the robot that fell a few floors down?

Y/n: Clint! Oh my goodness, it's me, Y/n!

Clint: Thank God! I thought so! That was starting to get awkward.

Y/n : You're calling with a different number! I almost didn't pick up. Why'd you change it?

Clint : Probably the same reason you changed yours. What am I, an amateur, calling you with the same number and risk being tracked?

Y/n : Fair point. Please tell me you got good news. I'm getting paranoid by the minute over here.

Clint : Yeah. We're meeting in Germany in 4 days. Leipzig-Halle airport. Can you get there?

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