Chapter 11

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Monica stood by the door, wondering if she should go inside and check if y/n's okay. She thought back on how everyone has been hounding y/n since she woke up at the med bay, asking for information and running multiple tests to prove that she was stable enough physically and mentally. Monica decided that she has been through a lot for now, giving her some space to process it all for the time being.

Turning on her heels, she walked towards the director's office. She knocked the door, hearing the director calling her in. She saw that the director was talking to some guards as she entered. Noticing her expression, Director Rambeau asked the guards to step outside. Monica stood in place, waiting patiently.

"Can I help you, agent Rambeau?" the director asked her. "I'm about to leave for a meeting with the intelligence department. But I have a few minutes to spare." She looked through a few documents on her desk before adding a few to a folder.

Monica thought of how best to say things. "Director Rambeau, permission to speak freely?"

Maria looked up at her daughter, wondering what does she have in mind. "Go ahead."

"I noticed that y/n was just in here," Monica said. The director nodded. "And she came out looking a little...distressed. I'll assume that whatever happened in here didn't go too well."

"Well, she did get increasingly tense and figured she's show me her powers. Not that I asked for a demonstration," Maria replied.

Monica was taken aback. She tried to look at the situation fairly from all sides, considering what to say next. Maria noticed her pause, studying Monica's face.

"Monica? I know that look all too well. You're up to something aren't you? Listen, I know you're trying to help her but you have to understand that my hands are equally tied here. We've got eyes on us now seeing that HYDRA is involved. And SWORD, I, am liable for our next move. One wrong step and—"

"And do you really believe that making her feel like a hostage in here is the best decision? Granted, she looks like a liability right now. Someone that we would love to just put aside, lock away even, until we know what to do with her. But—" Monica expressed before her mother cut in.

"But what, Monica? If we let her step out of here, there's no saying what happens next. HYDRA was able to infiltrate our headquarters just to get to her. If y/n is out there, nobody to watch her back, how do you think she would fare? I'll give credit where it's due, she is a solid agent, well-rounded in her capabilities. But alone, against people who have no morals or clear conscience? It'll be a shame to lose her."

Monica bit her lip, looking anywhere but at her mother. She understood where her mother was coming from, but she also knows the dangers of keeping y/n in SWORD against her will. She admitted that with y/n's strengths were some minor weak points, and those were being tested quite harshly right now. She knows that y/n has potential, she just needed help to realize it.

"Keeping her here this way is like holding on to a ticking bomb. And if it does explode, we can't fully blame her for it. I believe that we can give her more options. More trust. A solution that will work for both sides," she explained, watching her mother take a deep breath as she continues.

"I know that you suggested we help her with her powers. That's a great idea, but maybe, we aren't the right people to do so. In her current state right now, we look like just another organization that wants to manipulate her, even though deep down she knows it's not true. Maybe a new face, new surroundings, can guide her with her abilities, and still keep her safe."

"What are you suggesting?" Maria replied, willing to hear her daughter out before making a decision.

"Maybe we can ask one of your old friends for help? Nick Fury or somebody along that line? Those people are more than equipped to help her while we are busy making sure SWORD is under control and clear of any more sleeper agents. Besides, we have our hands full with the search for Agent Matsui and Thiago," she asked, hopeful that her mother will consider her suggestion.

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