Chapter 55

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A woman's voice purred lowly into Lyssa's ears, whispering playfully with a hint of danger. Her words sounded unclear and garbled as if they were spoken underwater. Lyssa tried looking around, but all there was to find was a cold darkness surrounding her. She could feel herself trying to back away from this sensation, but another part of her yearned for it. Almost like it was calling back out to the invisible woman, desperate to be heard. The voice got increasingly louder until a burst of red filled Lyssa's vision, and an unseen presence seemed to be there with her.

"Finally..." Lyssa heard the woman's voice again. But this time, she could hear her clear as day. "I can tell that you can hear me. The bond is strong now. Strong enough for me to do this."

Lyssa felt a light touch travel from her right forearm and up to her neck, teasing the skin just under her jaw, inciting goosebumps on her skin.

"Who are you?" Lyssa asked, a mix of emotions overcoming her. She felt fear, anger, confusion. But there was something else that she felt that caught her off-guard. A want. She felt a desire grow in her. A long-waiting, fiercely growing ache that pined to be soothed.

"Hmm... Be patient. You're not ready for the truth just yet. You will remember who I am soon enough. Though it does seem like your body already remembers who I am, môj miláčik," Lyssa heard the voice chuckle lowly in her ears, feeling a warm, soft sensation at the tender spot under her ear soon after.

"You have been resisting me for so long, my love. I've been looking for ways to get to you. For us to be together again. And when I did find the answer, you pushed me away. How cruel of you not to let me in. You have no idea how long I've waited to do this." The warm sensation traveled along her jaw, tracing its way to the other side of her neck as Lyssa's heart started to race. Her breathing became heavier, and her head was soon dizzy. Her judgment was slowly clouded by her craving for more.

"I need to ask you something, my love," the voice spoke lowly, seemingly drunk with want as well. Lyssa gasped, swearing she could almost feel a hand grip her hip before traveling down between her thighs, teasing her shamelessly. Lyssa's eyes almost rolled back from the sensation, but she felt another part of her trying to do its best to keep her sane. "Shh, don't listen to her. Listen to me," the woman's voice whispered as Lyssa felt the invisible hand move past the band of her shorts, moving down to a spot that made Lyssa moan quietly.

"You're already wet for me," the voice teased, and Lyssa could almost swear she could hear her smile through her words. Lyssa tried to move away but there was no one to push away from, confusing her further. She gasped again when she felt herself being teased gently, biting her lip to keep a hold of herself.

"I like it when you play hard to get," the voice chuckled lowly again. "You know I can make it all better. I can make you feel good. So, tell me, miláčik. Will you let me in? Please?" The voice purred sweetly, and it took every last bit of Lyssa's will to not give in.

"Hey, wake up! Lyssa? Come on, wake up!"

Lyssa gasped and pushed herself away from the voice, waking herself up completely when she hit the back of her head against a wall.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your uh... interesting dream. But—" Maria spoke slightly awkwardly before Lyssa cut her off.

"No, what? What dream?"

"You don't remember? That's too bad, it sounded like you were having fun. What were you listening to that led to that dream though, because damn." Maria gave Lyssa an intrigued smile.

Lyssa was horrified when she recalled her dream. "I uhh—It's nothing. It's not what it sounds like."

"Really? Because it sounded like you need to get laid. Or you were, kind of, until I got in the way of that," Maria chuckled, picking up her phone and earphones from the floor. "You're weird, Lyssa. Didn't think I'd see that side of you so soon," she laughed, shaking her head playfully. Before Lyssa could protest further, she heard a gruff voice speaking loudly from the floor below. She stood up right away, looking at Maria for answers.

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