Chapter 27

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Y/n got ready, wondering what to wear. She was supposed to meet up with Monica today to report on what has been happening. She considered wearing her SWORD uniform but settled for a more casual look. Putting on jeans, a simple plain T-shirt, and a jacket, she decided that this outfit should do. She walked out of the compound towards the waiting SUV, surprised to see who was in the driver's seat when she opened the door.

"Steve? Hi."

"Hey! Natasha couldn't make it today, something came up. She said she's sorry to drop off so suddenly." He smiled apologetically at Y/n. "So, she asked me to be your chaperone. And driver," he smiled charmingly, tapping on the passenger's seat. "Well come on, I can't have you arriving late."

Y/n shrugged, getting into the seat and putting on her seatbelt as Steve began to drive. The whole journey was pretty pleasant, with both of them catching up on what was going on, discussing training, and talking about the memorable missions that they'd done. Steve, of course, had more stories to share.

The meeting place was pretty public, which was a slight surprise to Y/n. They sat at a booth in a cafe, Steve introducing himself to Monica, before giving space for both women to catch up and talk to each other. Y/n was obviously very glad to see Monica, wanting to greet her with a hug but opting for a handshake instead.

"So, how's things?" Monica asked, happy to see Y/n. She could tell that some weight has been lifted off her shoulders by the way she carried herself.

"I'm good. I've been behaving, working on myself. Practicing and learning to control my powers as I should. How's Director Rambeau? And SWORD?"

Monica laughs gently as Y/n looked at her curiously while she drank her coffee. "We don't have to talk about formalities here, Agent Romanoff took care of that."

"Oh? I bet she had some interesting things to say," Y/n replied, a little nervous about what Natasha might've informed Monica.

"Well, the usual report and a few anecdotes on top of that. She is, what did you call her, your babysitter after all. Whether you were naughty or nice, she makes sure that we know everything."

Y/n wished she could kick Monica's shin for saying that but she didn't dare. She heard Steve clearing his throat at the table next to hers, hiding his smile as he sipped his drink. Y/n tensed up, wishing Steve would forget what he just heard.

"Anyway... I'm here to talk about you, Y/n. How are you? You look good." Monica smiled softly at Y/n.

"I'm doing better. They've been a real help. I just—I want to thank you. For backing me up, and convincing the director to let me do this. It's been a rough ride getting to this point so far, but I can see now that I needed this."

"I'm glad to hear that, Y/n. We're just trying to do what's best for SWORD, and also for you."

Y/n smiled, another question at the back of her mind. "Hey uh, how's Rowan? Is Ro doing okay?

"He's doing great. Hasn't shut up about wanting to see you, though," Monica joked, making Y/n chuckle.

"I'm glad to hear that," Y/n smiled, looking at Monica again. "And Suzume? Any news about her?"

Monica decided to keep the truth for another day, wanting to let Y/n have her peace of mind longer. "Judging from the last info that we got, she survived. But we lost track of her." Monica watched as Y/n had a thoughtful look on her face. "Promise me one thing Y/n."

"What's that?" Y/n asked, though her mind was still occupied with other questions.

"Don't go looking for her. That's not your fight. At least not for now. Focus on yourself and learn to control your abilities. Don't do anything sudden that'll put a lot of things and people at risk. Promise?"

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