Chapter 13

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Y/n carried the small bag of groceries, walking towards the car she had rented. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, taking note of every face around her, observing them closely as she unlocked the car door. She quickly got in, placing the bag on the passenger's seat. She peeled off the parking lot, not wanting to stay in public for any longer than she needs to.

Almost two weeks ago, y/n made probably one of the biggest decisions of her life. It was maybe one of the stupidest as well, but she still felt that it was necessary. She knew that she had probably burned bridges with some very important people. Though it had felt freeing at first, she admitted that the irony is clear when she realized how cornered she actually felt now.

She pulled into a motel parking lot, purposely parking behind the building. The motel had been her home for the last two days. As she walked away from the car, she thought of where she will go to the next morning. She sighed heavily as she unlocked her room door, stepping inside and making sure to lock it behind her.

The room was in the same state that it was when she first checked in, besides her random belongings now strewn around the room. Streaks of the afternoon sun made their way through the quaint-looking curtains, lighting up certain parts of the room. The air was slightly musty though. The room smelled exactly how it looked—old and forgotten in time. I get what I paid for. Anyways, it's not too bad for someplace temporary.

Y/n set the bag of groceries down on the side table before going to the bathroom to washup. She turned the tap, letting the cool water run over her fingers. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, noticing how tired she looks. It was no surprise, seeing that she hadn't been able to sleep well lately.

The thought of SWORD catching up to her scared her to bits, seeing what she had resorted to do in order to leave. She knows how serious of an offense it was, escaping when she had clear orders to stay. Even more so when she had used her powers to do so, something she still felt like shit for. She wishes that it didn't have to be that way, but she knew that she had to get out before she blows SWORD up as well, which would be infinitely worse.

Y/n cupped her hands, gathering some water before splashing her face. She closed her eyes as she savored how the cold water felt on her tired skin. She continued to wash her face, wiping with a towel before getting ready to leave the washroom. Just as she reached for the door knob, she heard a faint rustling and footsteps outside. Someone's in the room. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She looked at the small vent above the toilet. There's no way I'm fitting through there. Didn't I lock the room?! I made sure I wasn't tailed! How?!

She thought of what else to do. She decided to muster up whatever energy she has, dim blue particles forming in her right palm. She reminded herself to be careful as she doesn't quite know how to properly use her powers yet. An old motel in the middle of nowhere blowing sky high would be pretty suspicious. She turned the door knob as quietly as she can, cringing when the old door creaked as it opened. She stepped out quickly, her palm raised and ready to shoot the collecting blue wisps at the intruder.

"Whoa, calm down!" the voice called out in alarm to her. Y/n hesitated; the voice seemingly familiar. She couldn't quite see who it was seeing that the sun was shining in her eyes, the curtains now drawn back and the windows open wide.

"Relax, y/n. It's me," the voice said again, stepping slowly towards her. Y/n raised her palm again in warning, the person holding their hands up in return. After her eyes adjusted, y/n's eyes widened when she realized who it was.

"Monica?! What—What are you doing here? How did you find me? How'd you get in?!" y/n sputtered, frowning with confusion. So many things went through her head. How did she know where I was? Who else is here?

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