Chapter 41

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Y/n tore through the clouds, feeling the sun's warmth bathe her body in its rays as the winds blew pleasantly in her face. Her heart thumped anxiously in her chest the closer she got to her destination. Steve had called her earlier but he couldn't talk for long. But whatever he managed to tell her was enough to make her worry. Who is this Thanos guy? Why is he after the Mind Stone? The fact that this Thanos was making everyone she knew nervous was something she can't look past. Something's really wrong. I feel like there's more to this.

Y/n slowed down, hovering in the sky. Her eyes widened when she saw what was happening. What the hell are those?! In the distance, she saw several large, menacing-looking spaceships on the ground, smoke billowing out of them. Swarms of creatures entered the battlefield from an open section of Wakanda's dome forcefield. She flew towards the dome quickly, trying to find her teammates. She charged her dark blue orbs, gliding towards the creatures. Flying through the opening of the shield, she threw a large orb down, watching as the bodies of the creatures caught by the orb splattered around.

Y/n braced herself mid-air before dashing downwards. Just before she hits the ground, she pushed back with her wisps, causing a dark blue ripple of energy to push and tear through the violent snapping of teeth below. She landed on the grass, eyes searching for any more danger. She felt a surge of energy from her chest as she started to feel ecstatic. Yes, this is what we're made for. Where we belong. We fight. Draw blood. Tap into your actual powers! Relish in the rush of it, and watch how these vile creatures cower. Nobody will call us mons-- Y/n shook her head, ending the train of thought. "I think I might need a therapist after all this," Y/n said half-jokingly to herself. "I wonder if Stark will foot the bill upfront."

A loud booming sound caught her off-guard. Y/n shielded her eyes as a bright stream of light appeared from the sky, crashing onto the ground some distance away from her. A seemingly electrified object then flew around the battlefield, taking out some creatures before it returned to a tall, short-haired man wearing armor and a cape, standing next to what looked to be a small tree and a gun-toting raccoon. Y/n blinked to make sure she was seeing things correctly. "Bring me Thanos!" The man yelled before running and charging up in the air, bringing his weapon down powerfully as lightning surged through the throngs of creatures around him.

"Very cool," Y/n nodded in approval, watching in awe as the man proceeded to do damage to the creatures alongside his tree friend.

"Y/n!" Y/n heard a familiar voice call out to her amongst the various sounds of the battles around her. She turned around, smiling when she sees Steve, and started to jog to him. "On your right, Y/n!" She heard Steve warn her, already hearing the snapping of teeth approaching fast. Y/n turned her head to them, eyes blue as she forcefully reached out to their minds. Not long after, the creatures turn against each other. Y/n walked away, massaging her head as Steve watched. "Not gonna lie, that's a neat trick. Mind doing it several more times?" Steve smirked, dealing with another one of the creatures before turning his attention back to Y/n and catching his breath.

"I would, but I'm afraid there won't be enough aspirin in the world for me to deal with the aftermath," Y/n smiled. "Good to see you, Cap."

"That was marvelous! Who are you?" Y/n turned to see the short-haired man from earlier asking her.

"Y/n. You're Thor, right? Heard great things about you," Y/n replied, blasting a few creatures quickly before looking back at him.

"Well, thank you," Thor smiled widely at her, his somewhat boyish charm coming through easily.

Steve took a moment to look at Thor with his brows furrowed. "Got a haircut?"

"Notice you've copied my beard," Thor replied. Y/n was amused by their show of bromance, an eyebrow raised as she looked between the two of them. "Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine. Tree," Thor continued, using his large weapon to point at the tree-like creature.

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