Chapter 9

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A/N : All events will be set in the current day (early 2016) unless stated otherwise. This chapter will be slightly longer too. Be patient with me pleaseeee.

The Quinjet flew towards its destination zone as the agents inside prepared for their mission. Y/n was double-checking her equipment, making sure that her weapon was working correctly and that she had everything she needed. She was a little anxious than usual, considering where they were going. She tried to control her heart rate as much as possible before they landed.

"You okay y/n? You look a little, gray. You're still breathing right?" Rowan laughed heartily. Rowan is one of y/n's best friends. He was always the loud and cheerful one, never without a joke, sometimes even at inappropriate times. She looked up at the 6-foot 3 man, still chuckling at his own joke. Even though he was almost a foot taller than her, she glared at him. She stuck a middle finger to his face, unamused and immune to his jokes by now. That made him laugh more, pushing away y/n's hand gently.

"Ro... Give her a break. Why don't you make yourself useful for once and see how close we are to our destination. We should be close," Suzume laughed quietly. Suzume is y/n's other best friend. Though she played a part in their group's mischief at times, she is the top of her class in when it comes to tactical skills. She complimented y/n's combat skills and Rowan's weapon mastery, the three rising to be some of SWORDS promising agents.

Y/n was now putting on her tactical suit, securing it around her waist before slipping her arms through the long sleeves. Suzume watched as she slowly pulled the material over her skin, y/n's back turned towards her. She can see some bruises that were still healing on her left scapula and lower back, the aftermath of their last mission. Her lean back wriggled to fit the suit as she grunted, Suzume's eyes watching closely the way the suit fit her perfectly.

"Are you gonna just stand there and be a creep or are you gonna help me out here?" y/n asked suddenly, looking over her shoulder. Suzume was startled, taking a deep breath before smiling as nonchalantly as she can, walking towards y/n. She helped to pull the suit completely over her shoulder.

"Is it me or is the suit getting tighter? Probably should have said no to the cheesecake earlier, huh" she joked, chuckling as she stepped back to let y/n finish getting ready.

"Fuck you, you know my back is still killing me. I'm sure it's still bruised. How does it look back there, huh? Is it any better?" y/n asked Suzume as she turned to her, slowly zipping up her suit over her stomach and chest, uncomfortably adjusting her back in the suit one last time.

Suzume coughed at the sight, looking elsewhere while y/n asked her again. "It' looks good," she said, before turning to put on her armored vest. Y/n looked amusedly at her before cracking up.

"You nervous Su? What looks good?" she asked, smirking and raising her eyebrow at her. She laughed when she noticed Suzume's face turned red. She carefully put on her own armored vest, checking her gun and equipment one last time. Rowan called out that the Quinjet was landing soon, the three of them bracing for touchdown. The jet's door soon lowered once it was on the ground, Rowan stepping out first.

"I'll go clear the area, just in case. See you ladies outside in a bit," he called out, his rifle already pointed forwards as he continued to secure the perimeter. Once ready, y/n and Suzume proceeded to follow behind Rowan as he assumed his position as point man. They made their way out of the forest and approached their mission area.

The three of them were to stake out a possible HYDRA lab facility, a spot where they had intercepted large energy readings from for some time. They suspected that it came from a strange energy source, something they don't quite recognize.

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