Chapter 12

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It has been almost a week since the dream bothered her. She can't recall most of it by now but she still remembered how it made her feel, hearing that person call out for help. No matter what she tried, Wanda couldn't shake it off completely. She tried to find that connection again, to see if she could reach out to the mystery person, but the details in her head were too fuzzy for her to focus on. She decided to let it be for the time being, seeing that there was a meeting happening soon.

Steve said that he had intel on somebody named Crossbones who was spotted in Lagos, Nigeria. Sources say that he is after a bio-weapon. A few of them were to travel there in a few weeks' time to intercept his plans. They decided that the stealth approach would be best so only Steve, Natasha, Sam and Wanda will go.

Once the meeting was done, the team went over the details of the mission again. They were finalizing some ins and outs on the whole thing before finishing up when Steve asked her.

"Are you okay, Wanda? You seem distracted lately. Anything bothering you?" he questioned. Sam looked up from the documents he was looking at, watching her. Wanda looked between the two of them, slightly surprised at Steve's question, her eyebrows knitting together.

"What do you mean?" Wanda shifted uncomfortably in her seat from the attention that she was suddenly getting.

"Nothing. You just look a little... what's the word for it?" Steve asked Sam for help.

"Uh, spaced out?" Sam asked, unsure if that's what he meant.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that. Spaced out, like you're not really here. I don't mean anything by it but—"

"But what?" Wanda countered, feeling a little more defensive than she knows she needs to be. Natasha watched them, listening closely to their conversation. She has a feeling that she knows what Wanda isn't saying, intentionally or not.

"Is there anything you'd like to share? Maybe about the mission or, anything else really. Something we might need to know about before we leave for the mission."

Wanda took some time to consider Steve's question. She thought about telling them, but then again there wasn't much to say. Nothing concrete to worry about, but it was enough to make her question.

Steve noticed the prolonged silence, which means that there was something on her mind. Sam looked around at Steve and Natasha's reaction, doubling back to Natasha when he saw her expression as she watched Wanda closely. Wait. Does she know something as well?

"Alright, what is it? We can't risk jeopardizing this mission in any way, especially by one of us being distracted. Go on, spit it out. Or you can put it behind you, at least until the mission is over," Sam spoke up. Wanda looked at him and then glanced sideways at Natasha, still quiet. Steve sighed heavily, waiting patiently for her.

"What is it? This guy's a somebody to you or something? An ex? Mr. Crossbones crossed your path and broke your heart? His name ring a bell, or—" Sam continued, trying to pry Wanda's thoughts out.

Wanda took one last look at Natasha, asking with her eyes if she should do it. Natasha nodded, giving her an assuring smile as the confused men looked on.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But promise you'll hear me out completely before you assume anything," Wanda said, readying herself to share what's been bothering her. They nodded and gave her the space to speak.

"I had a weird dream not too long ago. More like a half-nightmare actually, if that makes sense? I didn't know where I was or who I was looking at. Can't tell if it was a man or a woman's voice since it was so distorted.... but I hear them screaming for help. I felt their pain, their despair in the scream."

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