Chapter 8 (2016, current day)

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Wanda jolted up from bed, sweat beads forming on her forehead from the dream she was having. Who was that? She sat up, resting her elbows on her knees as she covered her face with her hands. Most of the dream was gone now, but if she shut her eyes and thought hard enough, she could still make out what it was.

She could almost see it, a person. Or rather, she could hear their voice. She could almost hear their pain in the way that they were calling for help. Wishing for it to stop. For what to stop? Wanda sighed, getting out of bed and walking to the washroom. She turned on the tap, splashing cold water on her face as she looked into her emerald eyes in the mirror. The whites of her eyes were slightly red from her disturbed sleep. Who was that? Do I know them?

Wanda couldn't quite point out who it is. She wants to brush it off as nightmare. It's not like she has a shortage of those, especially when her memories come back to seep into her dreams. But then again, it all felt a little too real. It's like knowing something is there, knowing it exists without even seeing it.

It's not something that is easy to explain, and the thinking is starting to hurt her head. She decided to get in the shower, hoping that the dream will melt away, heading to the kitchen once she was dressed and ready.

As Wanda was preparing to make breakfast, Natasha walked in. She was sweaty and a little out of breath, sipping on a bottle of water. She was slightly surprised to see Wanda at this time in the morning. She was cracking eggs into a bowl, not quite noticing her presence.

"You're up early," she commented casually, opening the fridge to pour herself a glass of orange juice. She noticed Wanda jumping at the sound of her voice. "Oh, sorry. I thought you saw me walking in. Do you want a glass?" she asked Wanda, already pouring herself a glassful.

Wanda composed herself, cracking a few more eggs in the bowl before seasoning and whisking it. "Morning, Nat. Sorry, I didn't see you there. Yes, I'd like a glass please, thank you," she said, accepting the glass Natasha handed to her gratefully.

"You look a little shook up, is everything okay?" Natasha asked, sipping on her juice as she leaned on the counter to face Wanda. She saw that Wanda had a distant look on her face.

"I'm okay. Do you want breakfast? I'm making scrambled eggs and toast," Wanda said, taking a big gulp of her juice and setting the glass down before pouring the egg mixture into the pan. It sizzled nicely as she carefully stirred, a delicious aroma filling the kitchen. Natasha watched as Wanda cooked, her eyes barely lifting up from the pan, as if avoiding eye contact.

"Yes please, that smells good," she nodded before looking at Wanda. "What's wrong? You're fidgety than usual and you look tired. You're having those dreams again?" Natasha kept quiet as she waited patiently, knowing that Wanda was eager to tell her something, she just doesn't know how.

"Come on, you can tell me. I know something's bothering you," she asked again as Wanda jumped, startled by the toasts springing out of the toaster. When Wanda didn't reply, she turned to grab two plates from the cabinet. "Okay then, I guess everything's fine and dandy," she said goadingly, taking the toasts and placing one on each plate. She was buttering the toasts when Wanda cleared her throat, her mouth pulling to one side in thought as she scooped the eggs onto the plates.

When she was done, Natasha placed a fork on Wanda's plate, thanking her for the food before taking her plate. She sat at the counter and started eating. From the corner of her eyes, she can see Wanda pushing the eggs around her plate, her brows knitted in deep thought. Natasha let her process her thoughts as she took another bite, savoring the taste. Suddenly, Wanda placed the fork down loudly on her plate, looking at Natasha with a troubled look.

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