Chapter 62

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Y/n sat at the table by the window, drumming her fingers against the wooden grain as she occasionally glanced outside every time someone passed by. She was nervous to meet an old friend; someone who by miracle still remembered her and still wanted to reach out to her. She glanced up when she heard the door to the café open and saw that the person she was expecting had stepped inside the premises, eyes scanning the area and smiling when they landed on her. He waved goodbye at someone outside, and Y/n peeked to see a woman waving back at him.

"Y/n! Oh my god, it's so good to see you," he said, smiling widely as he went in for a hug.

"Been too damn long, Ro." Y/n met him halfway and they held each other for a moment, cherishing the reunion. They pulled away, both misty-eyed before Y/n showed Rowan to the table where they sat opposite each other. "How've you been Ro-Ro? You look good." Y/n smiled, starting the conversation.

"Do I? Hell, I'll take that compliment." He chuckles, drying his eyes. "Gosh, look at you Y/n. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you again." He smiled at her, his eyes getting teary once again. "Ah fuck, you're making me all sappy," he laughs as he reached for a napkin.

"Screw you, blame me all you want. I know you love me," Y/n laughed, noticing Rowan being quiet. She could sense all the emotions that he was clearly holding back as he tried to wipe his tears with the napkin secretly. "Ro. Come on, you're gonna make me cry too," Y/n sniffled.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." Rowan took a deep breath. "I'm so relieved to see you. I was afraid that you were gone too. Like Suzume. That day when we were supposed to meet but you never showed up? I texted you so many times and called even more. My heart dropped when they confirmed that you were really missing. I still remember the exact moment I heard the news." He shook his head, frowning deeply.

"I'm sorry, Ro. I really am. I didn't mean to disappear like that. It's just that some really bad things happened and—"

"It's okay. I know," Rowan assured Y/n. "Well...not everything but they told me enough anyway. It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're back. I was so worried." He smiled sadly at her.

"Thank you. For looking out for me however you could. I appreciate it more than you know," Y/n replied. They shared a smile and exchanged more friendly banter before she returned to her main topic. "I have something else to tell you. I got some leads on Suzume. I can't confirm her whereabouts yet, but I know she's alive, Ro. She's out there somewhere. The last time I got news of her was nearly a month ago."

Rowan stared at Y/n in shock, his mind racing. He stuttered when he tried to speak. "Really?! Wait, how? Are you sure it's her?" He watched as Y/n nodded and he closed his eyes, feeling a little dizzy.

"I'm going to try and find her. But it seems that this whole thing might be bigger than we thought." Y/n frowned, deep in thought. "Have you been in touch with Monica? Perhaps we can go talk to Director Rambeau first, seeing how messy this might get for SWORD as well."

"Y/n," Rowan called out gently as Y/n looked up at him. "I don't know how to tell you this but... Monica—she was one of those who disappeared." He heard Y/n inhale sharply, regretting what he had to tell her next. "And Director Rambeau... I'm sorry to tell you this way, Y/n, but she passed away a few years ago. She was diagnosed with cancer."

Y/n stared at him, shock taking over her system at what she just heard. It wasn't long before the familiar feelings of sadness and regret started to overwhelm her. "When?" It was the only thing she managed to ask quietly as she closed her eyes and her tears rolled down.

"Three years ago." Rowan held Y/n's hands as she processed the painful news. He handed her a napkin as well and waited patiently. Y/n calmed down, squeezing his hand in thanks before letting go. They agreed to put that topic aside for the time being and continued to chat, focusing on lighter topics to catch up on lost time. They enjoyed each other's company for a while longer and decided to call for the bill. Rowan's phone rang and he excused himself, answering the call as Y/n offered to pay for them.

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