Chapter 39

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Y/n was scrolling on her phone while waiting for the train when a text flashed on the screen. 'Hey, you worked with Stark, right? Might want to see this.' A link popped up. Y/n wondered what was so important that her informant was texting her about Tony. When she tapped on the link, her blood ran cold. The clip of an alien spaceship played in the background as the headline TONY STARK MISSING stuck out to her. Tony? What the hell is that? No... What-- What's going on?!

Y/n contemplated on what to do, deciding to go look for Wanda and Vision. She flew up, wondering where they could be. She traced her way back from the station, breathing in relief when she saw them not far away from the hotel. She landed a distance away, approaching them, shock still in her system. "Tony..." She whispered. "Did you hear about it yet? He's, he's gone," she said, walking toward them. She heard Wanda begging Vision not to go, saying that it will be dangerous. Out of a sudden, an alien-like hooded figure emerged from the alley behind Vision and stabbed him in the back. Vision screamed in agony before he was tossed onto the cobbled road.

"Vision!" Wanda shouted in shock as Y/n recovered from her disbelief. She started to run towards them as the hooded alien turned its attention to Wanda, who conjured an angry, red ball of energy to attack. Another one of the alien creatures suddenly appeared behind Wanda and blasted her violently into a shop window across the street with her weapon as Y/n watched in shock. The female alien that attacked Wanda turned her attention to Y/n and shot at her as well. Y/n tried to conjure her wisps as a shield but was distracted by the hooded alien's attack, managing to block his weapon from hitting her face as the blast hit Y/n, sending her crashing into a parked car across from Vision.

Y/n pushed off the bent metal and broken glass before trying to use her powers on the aliens to get them to stop. Just as she managed to refocus, she saw both aliens standing over Vision. She rushed to them as she prepared to attack, blue orbs forming fast. Just before she could do so, the hooded alien jabbed the spear-like weapon onto the stone on Vision's forehead, making him scream in pain once more. This time, Y/n felt it too. The wisps and adrenaline disappeared, replaced with an excruciating pain in her head as well. Y/n fell to the ground as the female alien watched interestedly.

Red orbs flew over Y/n's head as it hit the aliens, sending them flying backward. "Vision! Y/n! Are you okay?" Wanda asked, making her way to them.

"I'm good, get him out of here!" Y/n shouted in reply, trying to shake off the pain. Wanda looked at Y/n in concern but merely nodded in reply, hastily flying away with Vision. Y/n watched as the two quickly left the area. I don't know what the fuck just happened but I can't let them get close to him. She tried flying to look for their attackers, crashing into a nearby roof thanks to the still persistent pain in her head. She took a few deep breaths to regain her composure before soaring upwards in the night sky. She finally found the female alien a few blocks away, trying to track Wanda and Vision. Y/n flew down and slammed into her as the two tumbled into an empty plaza.

The female alien got up to run away but Y/n managed to pull her back with her wisp, causing her head to hurt once more. The alien turned its attention to Y/n, swinging her spear furiously as Y/n blocked her attacks. She parried a powerful strike from the alien, grabbing the spear, and making the alien look annoyed. "What the fuck are you, exactly?!" Y/n asked in shock when she finally got a good look at her tall opponent before twisting the spear and pulling it, causing the alien to lose her balance temporarily. She punched the alien, causing her to fly backward. The alien stood up, eyeing Y/n as she rubbed her jaw.

"Your demise," the alien snarled in reply, running to Y/n and striking her. Y/n blocked at the last second, elbowing the alien before aiming a blast of energy at her. The alien barely avoided it as the blast shot past the side of her face. She used her spear to push Y/n away from her, leading Y/n to grab the end of the weapon. Y/n watched in shock as the pronged tips lit up. The alien blasted Y/n in the chest with her weapon, causing Y/n to slide across the plaza as the alien approached fast. Y/n got up, coughing painfully, only to be greeted by the spear swinging at her head.

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