Chapter 15 (Part 1)

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Y/n had been driving for quite some time. It was late evening by the time she pulled over to fill up some gas. She estimated that she'd reach SWORD by tomorrow noon if she kept up this pace. She was thinking about staying the night at a motel nearby when the gas nozzle clicked. She placed the nozzle back in the pump, about to enter the car when she heard someone call out to her.

"Y/n Summers? I'd like to talk to you for a minute."

Y/n glanced quickly over her shoulder, noticing a taller brunette woman exiting a van and approaching her slowly. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed 2 black SUVs blocking the road connecting the gas station to the road. Y/n ignored her, even though her heart rate was through the roof. Fuck. Who's this?

The woman continued to walk casually towards y/n, closing the distance between them. She stopped a few feet away, watching y/n and observing her actions closely.

"Pretend you didn't hear me all you want, but I know it's you y/n. They already told me so much about you, I'd recognize that pretty mug of yours anywhere. Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice."

Y/n's blood ran cold when she heard the woman speak, knowing completely what she meant. She turned around slowly, realizing more people had exited from the van and the SUVs, all of them with their eyes on her. They approached cautiously; hands ready to reach for the weapons she knew they had on their persons. She counted them, quickly scanning her surroundings. 8 from the SUVs. 2 from the van. 11 total, counting this one here.

"Y/n... You're not thinking of making this hard for us, right? We just want to give you a ride somewhere, have a little chat. Then we'll drop you off wherever you want and you can be on your merry way. How about it? The van is definitely more comfortable than that thing you're driving," the lady smiled.

"Who are you? You're not with Fury, are you?" Y/n's hand reached into her jacket, looking down at her phone and scrolling quickly to find Monica's name before tapping the call button. She prayed that Monica would pick up and listened to what happen just in case anything happens. The woman tutted when she saw what y/n was doing.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Plus, you're a little out of their way, don't you think? It'll be a while before your friends get here. Give me your phone and let's go. I'll even open the door for you like a gentlewoman if you want," the woman laughed disingenuously.

That was all the confirmation y/n needed. They were definitely not friendly. She considered her next option. She can't use her powers, seeing that she was at a gas station. She can't risk injuring the civilians around her, along with her current reputation with her superiors. Some bystanders were already gathering around to see and record what was going on, which made y/n more annoyed. One of them called out loudly to for someone to call the police, but that didn't deter the brunette woman at all.

"I don't even know your name and you already want to take me home? That's a little too desperate don't you think?" Y/n tried to buy some time when she heard her phone reach Monica's voicemail, swearing internally. She hoped that the voicemail would at least reach Monica in time. For now, she had to deal with what's in front of her.

"Oh sorry, didn't think you'd care. It's Lilith," the brunette woman winked at y/n. "Can we go now?" The other Hydra agents were now approaching where the both of them are, still observing cautiously.

"Lilith? Pretty name, pretty face. Too bad I'm gonna fuck it up," y/n said, suddenly running towards Lilith, catching her off guard. Y/n's fist connected with Lilith's left jaw. She shook it off, returning a punch that y/n blocked. Lilith threw two hard punches to y/n's stomach, watching y/n step back before she quickly closed the distance. Y/n evaded the attack and grappled Lilith, thrusting her knee to her chest. Lilith staggered behind, shaking the pain off and catching her breath as the other Hydra agents ran towards y/n.

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