Chapter 36

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"Who are you? Please... Please, let me out. I-- I can't breathe," Y/n pleaded, her fingers trembling as they tried to remove the thick cuffs that hummed against her wrists. The doctor watched Y/n struggle against the guards holding her in place. The wrinkles on his forehead made way for new ones as he furrowed his brows, concerned with Y/n's condition.

"I'm Dr. Hayes, I'm here to help. Please relax, Miss Summers. Behaving this way won't do you any good."

Y/n could feel her heart pounding as if it would beat out of her ribcage at any moment. She tried to look at the man's face, but all she could point out in the midst of her dizziness was the white coat. It feels too familiar. And it's not a familiarity she wanted to remember or go through. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. She started to feel as if there wasn't enough air in the room.

"Please! I can't breathe!" Y/n's brow was now coated with a sheen of sweat. I'm going to die here. They caught me. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. They got to me somehow. I need to get out, or I'll die here and no one will know. She tried to pull her arms away from the guards at her side, feeling them tighten their grip on her the more she struggled. "I can't feel my hands. What did you do to me?!"

"Nothing, Miss Summers. You're likely having a panic attack. Take deep breaths for me, please," the doctor tried to persuade her, not wanting to resort to action. "It's okay, you're safe here."

"Safe? Then why can't I leave?! Why won't you let me go?!" Y/n screamed at the doctor, her throat now feeling dry. "Why do I have this stupid—" Y/n clawed at the thick, collared device at her neck now, desperately trying to pry it off herself. The doctor stepped back, getting increasingly worried. He shook his head at the camera in the corner of the room.

"Perhaps sedating her was a mistake. I thought she would calm down like Miss Maximoff, but she's not reacting as well to it. Not to mention the dosage we're giving her. She's burning through them fast," the doctor said, speaking into his earpiece while he shifted his gaze back and forth from Y/n to the camera.

Y/n's ears perked up at the name, disregarding everything else the doctor said before or after it. "Wanda... Where is she? You're not hurting her, are you?" The sensation on her chest tightened, making her feel like she was going to pass out soon. She tried pulling her hand, wanting to put it over her heart to check on how fast it was beating. The guards were having none of it, still holding her arms steady.

"Miss Maximoff is doing fine, Miss Summers. Now, we can't quite tell how the high dosage of medication, is affecting you. For your own safety, we'll need to bring you in for some medical tests, okay?" The doctor tried smiling at her as a sign of good gesture. He regretted the decision right away.

Y/n's eyes snapped up to him when he mentioned medical tests. She shook her head at the doctor as a wave of fear collected within her. She managed to free herself from the guards, pushing them off her as she backed away into a corner, startling the doctor and the guards. "Back off, back off!!" She cowered, pressing her back to the wall to put as much distance between them and her as possible. Her fear slowly took over her senses, giving fuel to her defensiveness.

The doctor said something to the guards in a small voice, the guards merely nodded and kept their attention trained on Y/n. Their eyes widened when they saw Y/n's eyes starting to glow a dim blue. "No, Y/n, don't do that, please. Calm down. This is for your own good," the doctor warned with a tremble in his voice. They watched as the blue grew brighter, the doctor shaking his head. "You leave me no choice, young lady." He held up a tablet in his hands, looking at Y/n one last time before he tapped the screen. The thick device around Y/n's neck hummed louder, the lights on it blinking faster.

"What—what did you do? What did you do?!" Y/n screamed, her breathing getting more erratic. She felt the familiar heat grow in her chest. Just as she saw her blue mist materialize, she felt a sharp pain travel down her arms from her wrist. The device around her neck felt like it was trying to burn the skin off her. "No, stop!" Y/n cried out, falling to her knees on the cold floor. Just as her mist dissipated, the devices stopped hurting her. Sweat trickled down her spine as she fought the tremors the devices left her with.

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