Chapter 34

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A/N: Ooohhh the dominoes are falling into place now, I'm getting nervous!

Y/n poured milk into the bowl, watching it splash over the cereal. First, I got fired. And now they tell me I'm not allowed out until I sign that damned thing because I'm considered a danger to society? I'm doing great in life so far! She frowned as she sat at the counter, scooping cereal into her mouth.

"Is that dinner?" Wanda asked as she walked into the kitchen, breaking Y/n's train of thought.

"It's food."

"It is. If you're five years old," Wanda pursed her lips to hide her smile. Y/n rolled her eyes, just wanting to finish eating and return to moping about. Wanda caught her reaction and laughed, the sound undeniably pleasing to Y/n. "Oh, come on, you know it's true." She walked closer, leaning with her hands on the counter as she watched Y/n eat another spoonful disinterestedly. "Let me cook for you."

Y/n looked up at her, shaking her head slowly. Wanda noticed the slight pout on Y/n, the one that she always makes when she's annoyed, making her heart skip a beat. I wonder if she knows that she does that. I'd kiss it away if I could. Wanda realized that she had been looking too long at Y/n by the way that she avoided her gaze quickly. She can't deny just how much she missed bantering with Y/n. She's been different after that night. I wish she wouldn't push me away like this.

Y/n noticed Wanda's quick glance at her lips, making the butterflies in her stomach go crazy, and her heart hurt at the same time. When am I ever going to get over her, she thought. As if I'm not stressed enough with everything as it is.

"I'm thinking... salmon with a lemon butter sauce, and a side salad," Wanda teased as she opened the fridge to look for the ingredients.

Y/n's mouth watered at the sound of that, looking down sadly at her half-eaten bowl of cereal. That does actually sound very good. But I can't give in. Nope.

Wanda smiled knowingly at Y/n, who was now determined to finish her bowl as fast as she could. "You know what, I'll make an extra serving or two. You're welcome to have them later. If you want." She took out the ingredients, preparing to cut them.

Y/n watched as a small smile lingered on Wanda's profile. Why is she doing this to me? Y/n thought back on the first time they trained together. That was when Wanda said she realized she felt something for her. She remembered how nervous she was as Wanda stood close to her. Or that time when Wanda had caught and held her close when she fell out of the sky. How beautiful she looked in the rain. How her eyes somehow had different shades of green on both occasions, but they still never failed to pull her in, even until today. Y/n thought of their kiss and realized how thinking about it still makes her melt. She looked longingly at Wanda, noticing a blush creep on her face as she cut some lemons.

Wait, is she listening? Oh my god, I swear—Before she could ask if Wanda was eavesdropping on her thoughts, a loud sound from outside caught both their attention. "Did you hear that?" She asked Wanda, who nodded at her quietly in reply. Wanda stuck the knife into the board, walking towards a window as Y/n stayed seated. Another loud sound, accompanied shortly by fire. Y/n's eyes widened. An explosion?!

Wanda's eyes scanned outside, worry creeping into them. Y/n got out of her seat in a panic when Vision suddenly appeared from the floor to stand next to Wanda. "What is it?" Y/n can hear Wanda ask him.

"Stay here, please." Y/n heard him reply. Vision then phased through the wall to investigate what was happening. Y/n was about to walk to Wanda when Wanda suddenly turned around, sending the knife on the cutting board flying with her red wisps. Y/n stumbled back, shocked to finally see Wanda's target with the knife aimed directly at his forehead. It was a few inches away from carving into him.

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