Chapter 40

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The night sky rolled with thunder before it opened up, a light drizzle quickly turning into a heavy downpour as Y/n stealthily perched on the rooftop. The area was bathed in streetlights as she scoped out the building one last time. She pushed off the roof, landing gracefully on the ground of the side alley before stepping out onto the street. She maneuvered her way through the occasional person running to seek shelter from the rain before crossing the road and heading straight to the back of the building.

The back entrance was blocked off by some metal fencing. She approached it fast and jumped over it easily, landing on the other side, and went straight to the door her informant had said she could use to enter the place. Looking at the chains wound around the handle of the door, she almost laughed at how easy it was to break in. Besides the obviously fake security camera outside the door, there was nothing much else that would hinder someone from breaking in if they wanted to. Nothing says security like thick chains and a scary exterior, I guess. She broke the padlock off the chains, pushing the creaky door as she walked in.

I'm in. If I don't text back in a few hours, you know what to do, she texted her informant. A simple thumbs-up emoji came back as a reply. She slipped her phone into her pocket and walked through the dark and dingy corridors using her blue orbs as a source of light, remembering the way to the actual entrance of the base. She finally found it after venturing into the creepier lower levels of the building. A single, sturdy metal door greeted her in the dark, looking significantly newer than the rest of the building. It looked out of place, half hidden behind some precariously stacked metal storage containers.

This must be it. How'd they manage to set up a base this close to the city's edge, and in an abandoned building? She studied the sliding peephole on the door, unsure if there was someone behind it. She stepped forward and knocked, waiting nervously for someone to answer. After a few knocks, the metal slid gratingly, revealing a pair of brown eyes staring down at her. A man's rough voice greeted her. "Who are you?"

"It'sme, thought I'd pop by for a visit. Do you mind opening up?" The man's eyesglowed blue before he moved away from the door. She can hear him unlocking theheavy door, pulling it open slowly. "Hank? What are you doing?" A different voicecalled out as Y/n stepped forward, eyes landing on another tall, burly-lookingman. His hands are on his waist holster, ready to pull out his gun.

"Oh, sorry. I won't be long," Y/n said walking past them as they looked at her with a blank stare. "Soon as I turn the corner, you'll want to forget I'm here, okay?" Both men nodded lazily, returning back to their positions by the door when she disappeared from sight. The hallway she now found herself in was dimly lit. The further she went in, the brighter the hallway got. Her eyes adjusted quickly as she assessed the place. It felt cold and calculative, so different and yet so familiar. She shrugged off the unpleasant memories that invited themselves to her and focused on her objective.

Slow and steady, Y/n. Get the info and leave. We sneak in then sneak out. Easy, right? Y/n had chosen to infiltrate quietly so she prayed that nothing goes wrong. Her 'persuasive' powers had worked wonders for her so far, but she knew that it was most effective with a smaller group of people that were within her vicinity. She knew the mental aspects of her power weren't developed much, seeing how little time she had to work on it. A big part of her felt that it was probably for the best since such powers can be dangerous in the wrong hands. So, if more backup guards were to show up, she knew that she would probably have to consider fighting her way through. Y/n prayed again that that won't be the case, shivering at the thought of risking civilian casualties should her past few incidents involving HYDRA bases were to repeat themselves.


The young guard watched the various monitors in front of him, a serious frown on his face as his eyes flitted back and forth. "Calm down, Jimmy. Who're you tryna impress, staring off the screens like that? Ya think the boss is gonna care? I know it's only your second week, but relax, boy!" The older guard let out a boisterous laugh as he sipped his coffee, leaning back on his chair with a crossword book in his lap.

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