Chapter 28 (part 2)

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The loud sound of the box slamming into the ground got the attention of the rest of the team. They went over to check what happened, shocked to see the scene before them. Vision quickly flew to Wanda's side to calm her down while Natasha went to check on Y/n.

"Settle down, you two!" Steve called out, standing in the middle to keep the two women apart. "What's going on here?"

"What happened?!" Natasha asked, looking back and forth between the two of them. She was shocked when she saw the injury. "Shit, you're bleeding. We gotta get you to Helen."

Wanda snapped out of her anger when she heard what Natasha said. "Blood? What—" She looked in horror when she finally saw Y/n's left arm, the red liquid dripping onto the floor where she stood.

"I'm fine Nat, I'll heal," Y/n said angrily, still trying to calm down. She grimaced in pain when Natasha used a clean towel to wrap the wound, putting pressure on it as she forced Y/n to walk out of there.

"Oh my God... I'm sorry Y/n!" Wanda called out as Vision held onto her. "I didn't mean to! I didn't know the box was—" she called out, hoping Y/n will understand. The defeated look Y/n gave her as she left the room with Natasha was enough to almost break her heart. Steve talked to her while Vision tried to calm her down.

"Wands, I think it's best you two cool off away from each other for a bit. Now, can you tell me what happened here?"

Wanda stood there, trying to think back on what had happened. Her eyes welled up as she tried to speak. "I... I don't know. It was stupid, why we fought. I didn't know the box wasn't locked, Steve. We both got angry and— You know I'll never hurt her."

"What were you both arguing about?" Vision asked, worry filling his face. Wanda didn't know how to tell him the truth. Because there are too many things left unsaid between us, she thought. She wondered what saying that to Vision would do. She decided not to say anything yet, for now, not wanting to hurt another person.

"Wands, you were supposed to keep her in check, not fight her. We're counting on you."

"I know Steve. I'll talk to her. Not now, but I will. I'll make it right. I need to," Wanda said.

"Okay. Maybe it's best that you rest as well, alright? Don't worry about the room, I'll clean up," Steve offered. Vision walked Wanda to her room, talking to her to try and understand what happened. Wanda was quiet the whole time. She sat on her bed, Vision following suit as he tried to comfort her.

"Vis, I appreciate what you're doing, but I just need some time alone now, okay?"

Vision looked at Wanda, her eyes almost begging him to understand. "Sure, Wanda. You know where to find me if you need me." Vision left to give her some space, closing her room door gently.

What have I done? She didn't deserve that at all. Dočerta!

Wanda thought of the various ways that she can apologize, wondering if any of it will even work at this point. She hopes that she didn't damage whatever they had beyond repair. Just thinking about it hurts her.


Y/n was cleaning up after herself in the kitchen the next morning, cursing silently when she accidentally leaned on her left arm, forgetting her wound from the day before. I can't really heal wounds this big that fast yet, I guess, she said, rubbing the bandage sorely, hoping it will get better soon.

"Do you need help?"

Y/n turned around at the sound of Wanda's voice. Her emerald green eyes looked tired as they glanced quickly at Y/n's bandaged arm before looking back at Y/n, her mouth forming an apprehensive smile. Y/n noticed how Wanda fidgeted with her rings, sensing that she was feeling anxious. Seeing Wanda like this made her realize that she wasn't angry at her anymore.

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