Chapter 22

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Trigger warning : Mentions of blood and death.

A/n : Personally, I like taking my time to learn about a character so I'll understand how and why they do things. So maybe that had translated into my writing style... I know this book burns realllly slow so thank you for your patience and time so far, everyone!

Wanda knocked on the door before opening it to see y/n lying lazily on the bed. Her head was hanging off the side as she played with some blue mist, manipulating and bending it this way and that. Wanda coughed lightly, signaling her presence to her. Y/n sat up abruptly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. They asked me to bring you to Helen to run some tests." She smiled when she remembered what y/n was doing. "I thought you said you didn't know how to control your powers. You seem to be pretty good at that."

"What, this?" Y/n balancing a small sphere in her hands, showing it to Wanda. "No, this is nothing at all. I'm just starting to learn, if anything. It's easier in here since it's quiet, and I can focus. And it's a pretty safe place to practice too, so—"

"Hey, give yourself some credit. A small step forward is still progress. I can help you out more in training, if you'd like." Wanda smiled. Y/n looked at her before returning the smile.

"I think you're the only option around here when it comes to this, really," y/n chuckled. Wanda tilted her head slightly, amused by y/n's reaction. There's something about the way that y/n laughed that fascinated her.

"Didn't they tell you to make sure I behave or something? So, in some ways, I'm stuck with you. Or you with me. Training or not," y/n said.

"And is that a bad thing?" Wanda smirked as she asked, a slight tease in her tone. She was a little surprised that their conversation didn't feel awkward. Must be that familiar feeling I got. I wonder if she feels it too. Whatever it was, she was pleased.

Y/n's eyebrows raised, caught off-guard. "Oh. Umm. No, not at all. I don't think so. Why, do you think it's bad?"

"No. I'm glad we're on the same page about that. As much as I like talking with you, we'll have to continue some other time. Are you ready to go? They're waiting for you in the med bay." Wanda smiled at y/n again, lips pressed together apologetically this time. Y/n nodded, following Wanda to meet the others.

Along the way, they shared quiet glances that were returned with half-awkward smiles. Soon, they arrived at the med bay where Natasha and Helen were waiting. Y/n sat on the examination table, wondering if she was imagining things from earlier. Did that count as flirting? Whatever it was, it made me nervous for some reason.

Wanda smiled to herself as y/n's thoughts got a little too loud for her not to hear. She stepped back to stand next to Natasha as Helen started prepping y/n for some tests, taking her blood pressure and heart rate.

"BP's good. Heart rate's a little high but everything else seems to be clear." Helen continued to check on her other vitals. Natasha nudged Wanda, asking what happened. Wanda brushed it off, but a small smile lingered. Before Natasha could ask anything else, Tony walked in.

"Afternoon, everyone. How's everything? Hope the tests are going well so far, Helen." Helen nodded briefly at Tony in response. Tony lifted a small bag up to the examination table, opening it to reveal what seemed to be a watch inside. The bands were made of silicone and the watch face was completely blank until Tony tapped on it, lighting the display up. Natasha approached Tony, her eyes questioning him.

"Is that what I think it is?" Natasha asked as Tony prepped the device. Y/n watched Tony tapping on the watch's interface as if he were setting something up on it.

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