Chapter 31

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Y/n had spent the rest of the day training on her own, eventually falling asleep when she decided to lie down for a bit before showering. She tried hard to stay awake for as long as she could, but she was exhausted from her lack of rest from the night before. She would regret doing so, seeing how her past found a way inside her head again. The figures didn't speak this time, but their eyes told her everything she needed to know. They came back angry. Angry that she had left them. Angry that she was seemingly moving on.

She felt everything they felt. The pain. The loss of hope. The disappointment. Blaming and questioning her as she turned on her side in bed, knees tucked to her chest for fear that she would lose herself in between the emotions that were threatening to engulf her. She tucked her head in her arms to shut them out, feeling a headache coming from how much pressure she was applying. She woke up in a sweat again, curled up in bed. She had to will her eyes open for the sake of making sure that it was all a dream.

She checked her reflection after a much-needed cold shower, frowning at how she looked. She got dressed, checking on her watch for the time. 11.36 pm? Fuck. So much for a healthy sleep schedule. She decided that she would ask Helen for some sleeping pills. She sauntered down the hallway, still half groggy. She thought she had heard voices from Wanda's room when she passed and wondered if she was imagining things. She shook her head, focusing instead on what she was supposed to do.

Y/n arrived at the dimly lit med bay, curious to see if Helen was still there. She lazily scanned the area, and to her surprise, found Helen working. She thought about her 'working overtime' joke with Helen, smiling as she was about to call out to her when she noticed that the doctor was tending to someone. Cocking an eyebrow, she approached slowly. "Hi Helen," Y/n greeted, the doctor nodding in her direction before continuing. Y/n caught a glimpse of whom Helen was tending to at that moment.

"Nat? You guys are back already?" Y/n walked over to Natasha. "You okay? You're usually the one visiting, not the one on the examination table," Y/n joked, though she casually inspected her for injuries.

"Yeah, just came here to touch up a few minor cuts. Nothing a little Helen magic can't heal," Natasha smirked at Y/n, accompanied by Helen's soft laugh at her reply.

"When did you guys arrive?" Y/n asked, stifling a yawn.

"Few hours ago, actually. I didn't see you earlier. Where were you?"

"Yeah, I was, uh... I conked out after training, pretty exhausted lately."

Helen looked over at Y/n sternly, though her voice was gentler. "What did I say about resting, Y/n?"

Natasha took a moment to really look at Y/n after Helen's remark. "I don't know how, but you look slightly worse than I do. And I just returned from a mission," Natasha half-joked. "Are you okay? I assume you're here to see Helen too, right?"

Natasha and Helen watched Y/n closely as she tried to figure out what to say, nervously shifting her weight to the other foot. "I'm fine..." She looked at Helen hesitantly. "I was just wondering if you have anything that can help me sleep?" She was met with questioning looks from both women.

"Sure, but, may I ask why you need it? Is anything troubling you lately? Pain? Discomfort?" Helen asked.

They looked expectantly at Y/n while she thought of what to say. Pain and discomfort are one of the ways to describe it. Well, I can't just tell them I dream of my dea—deceased family members. Or how they're asking me to spend time with them as if they were still alive, whilst looking very much... unalive. That sounds crazy. "Never mind, maybe I just need to tire myself out more. Thanks, anyway."

Before both women could question her further, Y/n decided to change the topic. "How did the mission go? Everyone else okay?" Helen and Natasha shared a look that made her feel slightly uneasy. "Nat?"

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