Chapter 43

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The sun was barely breaking through the sky when Y/n landed on a quiet street, finding her way to a nearby bar that seemed to still be open. The sights of the city that she had seen as she flew around earlier were a stark reminder of what the snap had done. Authorities were trying their best to maintain control but the damage was too severe to see any improvements in the near future.

Streets were in a state of disarray with crashed and abandoned vehicles on the roads, particularly on the highways. Various shops and stores were getting looted more and more by the day. Houses stayed dark or lit at all hours, now that they had no one to tend to them. Lost, broken, and angry people filled the streets, demanding solutions and answers. People like Y/n. People like the patrons of the bar that tried to drink away their reality and sorrows, hoping to numb whatever they felt. And that's what Y/n planned to do for now.

She walked in and headed to the bar counter as a middle-aged bartender eyed her carefully. She set her bag on the seat next to her as the bartender waited. Y/n sat there, undecided on what to get, feeling awkward as he wiped the counter surface, eyes glued on her. When she remained silent, he decided to break the ice.

"What can I get ya?" His voice was gruff, easily heard over the low music playing on the speakers.

"I... Actually, I don't know. I don't really drink that much."

"Ah, another one of you, coming here thinking liquor would solve your problems and drown your sorrows. I should tell you that it won't do so, but the world isn't exactly a place we recognize right now, huh?" He grabbed two short glasses, placing them in front of Y/n before he poured a strong-smelling, dark amber liquid into them, offering one to Y/n.

"What's this?" Y/n asked, picking up the glass and sniffing its contents.

"Does it really matter?" He asked, picking up the other glass. "I'll drink one with ya, seems like you need it." He clinked his glass with hers and downed his drink in one go. Y/n followed suit, wincing as she felt the liquid burn its way down her throat, the fire spreading to her chest. An almost familiar sensation.

"It's whiskey; if you still want to know. A good one too. Smooth but strong enough to distract you from your problems for a little bit. Another glass?" Y/n nodded, watching as the bartender poured her another serving.

"So, what brings you here? Most of them come here to grieve, some with more regret than others. What's your story?" He places the bottle on the counter, serving another customer before he leans back on the shelf behind him, arms crossed as he waits for her response.

"Does it really matter?" Y/n repeated his earlier reply, his question stinging her more than he meant to. The bartender shrugged and began to wipe some glasses clean, deciding to leave Y/n alone. Y/n sighed, swirling the whiskey in her glass before downing it. "I messed up. Didn't do what I was supposed to. Well, I tried... but I wasn't good enough. And now, I'm not the only one paying for it."

"Well, that's pretty vague but I'll take it. So, this problem of yours, it's not something you can work on? Get help with?" One look at Y/n's tearful and faraway stare told him more than she did. "Ah... One of those, huh? A life-changing one?"

"You have no idea," Y/n replied, dabbing her eyes dry with her sleeve before her tears spilled. Guilt started to fill her, so she decided to change the topic quickly, not quite comfortable breaking down in public. "How about you? Why are you open? Isn't it dangerous with how things are?"

"I wasn't supposed to open. I was planning to close up shop for a while, actually. At least until things calmed down," the bartender replied, pouring another glass for Y/n. "Then more and more people kept coming, asking me for a place to go to. Somewhere safe or familiar, away from the outside. After some bargaining, I relented. They can sit in, stay until the regular closing hours. Condition is, they get two, maybe three drinks, max. I'll give them enough to numb some things but not to get blackout drunk. I know how tempting that can be with how things are right now, but I can't contribute to more damage. That means that drink of yours," he gestured to Y/n's glass, "is your last one from me tonight."

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