Chapter 6 (2013 flashback)

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Y/n stirred awake, her whole body heavy and tired from the beating it received. She had blacked out again after the last session with the scientist, the aftermath of the shock still felt in her bones. Y/n opened her eyes, her lids heavy and tempting her to rest more so her body can recover. However, the change in her surroundings prompted her to look around.

The monitors and lights were mostly gone, except for a small beeping monitor by her bed. A bed? I'm not on the metal surface anymore, y/n thought. Was she finally saved? Is she recovering in a hospital? All that thinking hurt her head, especially around her temples. Y/n slowly reached up to touch the painful spot, relieved to see that she wasn't restrained like she was before. She noticed that both her wrists were wrapped in bandages. She wondered just how much damage these people had done to her.

Y/n tried to get up but her body refuses to cooperate. She didn't have the energy to even sit up, her nerves still recovering from almost being fried internally. She gave up on trying for now, knowing that it would do more harm than good. She decided to savor the calm in case more trouble and pain comes her way. She laid back down, relishing the comfort of the bed. She wondered if anyone is looking for her, if help is coming.

Y/n closed her eyes and thought of her family, recalling the flash back she had. The memories of her father filled her mind. She thought of how he looked, or rather how she remembered him looking like. He was always ready with open arms to help and welcome his loved ones, strong in his own quiet ways. She sometimes catches herself wondering how it could have been growing with her father around.

Y/n thought back on how her, Louis and their mother moved around a lot after that. Their mother did tell her and Louis the reason why when they asked her one day. Crying because they didn't quite understand the gravity of their situation yet, they wanted their mother to talk to them like she always did and to explain to them.

The constant moving left them feeling lost and left out, always almost having a stable place to start over until they had to pack up again. Their mother readied herself, swallowing down her own pain and worries. She told them that they had to do this for their safety because some very bad people were angry with their father, and are now looking for them. She asked for them to trust her, and not to ask anything much about it until they were older.

Y/n's mother's face filled her mind. I miss her so much; I wish she was here to tell me it'll be okay. Y/n recalled how her mother would occasionally look at her and Louis when she thought they didn't know. She always had a smile on her face, but her eyes could never hide the pain and worry she feels. Their mother quickly became a strong figure in all aspects of the word within their lives, which they both respected and appreciated.

As Louis and y/n grew older, they understood the sacrifices that their mother had made for them. They just wished that their mother was more open about what happened, they wished that they could've helped her shoulder the burden of knowing whatever it was that she kept away from them. They sense the guilt she had about keeping the truth from them, but she always reminded them that she can't share certain parts of it as it was for the best. It kept Louis and y/n safe, and most importantly, alive. Jenny knows that her children grew up with a lot of questions, but she promised answers when the time comes.

Y/n's thoughts then went to Louis. Sweet Louie, y/n smiled, who took after their mother as the resilient type. After losing their father though, Louis became more reserved. Even as a child, Louis tried to take over his father's duty as the man of the house, to be strong for his mother and y/n and to protect them. He sincerely felt that it was his responsibility. He vowed to always do his best to prevent them hurting again. Y/n wished that her brother would stop trying to be strong all the time because she knows and sees that he was hurting as well.

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