Chapter 52 (part 2).

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The jeep made its way slowly, weaving through the trees until it reached a dirt road. It continued along the road for some time before turning into an opening that led to a well-hidden path within the forest. If someone didn't know what they were looking for, they would've easily missed it. Lyssa sat back, taking deep breaths to control the energy she had soaked up earlier. The way it radiates through her felt foreign and slightly uncomfortable; like feeling the sudden urge to stretch when you find yourself in a tight space. The sensation was bugging her, but she knew better than to yield to it. At least not now.

"How much further is it? And how do we get in, is there a main gate or something?" Lyssa's voice broke the silence as she shrugged her shoulders to ease her discomfort slightly.

"About 10 minutes down this path. We'll come up to a small clearing. The larger main entrance is hidden underground, but there is an old bunker entrance that smaller units use, southwest of this path. There are guard towers around there, can't miss it," Sgt. Alister replied flatly.

Based on his description, she figured that most of the base was located underground; as expected. She considered her options and decided to approach on her own. "Alright, stop the vehicle." The jeep rolled to a stop and Lyssa stepped out. "I'll go ahead. You..." she looked at the sergeant who was waiting quietly, "I know you're just doing your job. You can leave. But if I see you there again, I won't hesitate to do what I have to. Understand?" Sgt. Alister merely nodded at her.

"Oh, one more thing. I'm sure they know I'm coming since they sent you guys. But tell me, who raised the alarm?" Lyssa watched him closely, wanting to confirm her suspicions.

"The pilot. Markus. He gave us a heads-up; said you would be heading to base but something seemed wrong. So, he gave you the wrong coordinates and advised us to take precautions and escort you in."

Lyssa tilted her head, considering what he said. Huh. So, Dr. Erik didn't snitch? Didn't see that coming. "Okay. Get out of here. I don't want to see you again."

Sgt. Alister nodded once more, watching calmly as Lyssa closed the door. His eyes followed as she took a few steps away from the jeep, looking down the path ahead. She glanced one last time at him, and he watched her take off into the sky. He turned the jeep around and started driving back down the path. Not long after, the jeep screeched to a halt as his thoughts returned to him.

He was confused, wondering what he was doing. When he finally remembered what happened and where he was right now, he quickly maneuvered the jeep towards the base, desperately trying to contact anyone and tell them who was headed their way. Something was telling him to leave, but he tightened his grip on the steering wheel when he finally got hold of someone on the radio.


It didn't take long before Lyssa spotted the guard towers. It had snipers posted on top, keeping watch. She saw the bunker door some distance away from the towers and took note of the group of soldiers guarding the surrounding area. There were too many of them waiting there to be considered guards, so Lyssa knew that her presence was expected at this point. It was only a matter of time before they found out that she'd arrive unescorted.

She got closer and convinced the snipers to ignore her as she moved past their sights. Lyssa landed on the snowy ground not too far away from some soldiers who were smoking near some crates, the thud of her boots startling them.

"Someone's here!" One of them called out, dropping his cigarette and alerting the rest as he quickly aimed his rifle at her.

"Hi, I'm here for a meeting and I'm already quite late, so do you mind letting me through? Don't want to screw up my first impressions." Lyssa raised her hand to show that she wasn't a threat. The group of soldiers fanned out and surrounded her; all their weapons now nervously pointed at her.

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