Chapter 30

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Y/n sat up, the white noise in her room waking her from her deep slumber. Her eyes searched the area, the light from the TV dimly illuminating the dark. I don't remember turning that on earlier. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, sitting up straight when she saw two figures sitting together on the floor, backs leaning on the foot of her bed. Cold sweat formed on her forehead as she searched the room for signs of who the figures could be. She froze when one of the figures appeared to laugh.

"He—Hello?" Y/n called out, her voice not much louder than a whisper. "Who are you? Why are you in my room?" The figures appeared not to have heard her, both laughing at the static on the TV. "Nat? Steve? Is that you?"

"Y/n? I had a feeling you'd be interested in the show too, glad I was right! Come join us, honey."

Y/n's heart stopped at the sound of the voice. No. There's no way. It can't be.

"Come on, sweetie, we've been waiting a long time for this. I know you've been waiting too," she heard the other figure call out, her voice eerily familiar. Tears pricked at her eyes, not knowing what to do. She got out of bed slowly, her mind and her heart both telling her to do different things.

Stop, Y/n. You know it's not true. Don't take another step. Just lie back down in bed and ignore them. They're not real.

But they are! They're right there! How long have you dreamed of this, Y/n? It's now or never.

Going against her instincts, Y/n walked slowly toward them, her footsteps slow and cautious. The TV seemed to turn off once she was in a position to see who they were, and the room was dark once again. "Who are you?" She asked, her voice shaky as she prayed that her guess about who they were was both right and wrong.

"Don't be ridiculous, sweetie. Come here and give me a hug, I've missed you!" The TV flickered, turning on once again as the light from the static bathed the two figures, Y/n looking on in shock.

"Sit down with your old man, would you?" Y/n's jaw dropped, seeing a familiar face smiling up at her. A smile she had missed, only ever seeing it in her memories with him, which were starting to fade from how long ago it had been.

"Dad?" she muttered, as the figure who appeared to be her father smiled warmly at her. It was exactly what she longed to see, except something didn't seem right. Y/n looked in horror as blood started to stain the front of his shirt, painting a horrific image she didn't need to be reminded of.

"Come give your mom a hug, sweetie. I missed you!" Y/n's eyes shifted to the other figure that was supposed to be her mother. She gave Y/n a soft smile, blood dripping down from her mouth. Y/n stepped back, remembering how her mother looked up at her when she cradled her in her arms years before.

Y/n's heart raced just as much as it ached, wondering what was happening. She backed away, running towards the door, not wanting to be in the room any longer.

"Where are you going, Y/n? Don't you miss us?" She heard her father call out sadly, her heart breaking at the thought of leaving them again. Just as her hands closed around the doorknob, she heard a faint knocking from the other side.

"Y/n?" Her heart dropped when she heard his voice. No. No, please. It can't be.

"Y/n? Let me in, I miss hanging out with you." Louie. Her tears fell as she heard him call for her. She can hear her parents faintly telling her to let her brother in so they can all be together again. Despite her fear, something in Y/n urged her to open the door. She twisted the doorknob, letting the door swing open slowly until she saw him. There he was. Her brother, smiling at her.

"Hey, Y/n. I see you've grown slightly taller since I last saw you." She couldn't move. Seeing his face again felt good, but she stepped back when she saw the holes forming in his chest. Blood filled the front of his shirt, turning the light-colored material into a deep, distressing shade of red. She blinked, and her brother was no longer in the doorway. She was halfway through the exit when she heard them calling from behind, saying how they missed her and that they wished she could stay.

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