Chapter 38

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A/N : A longer chapter, but I think most of you wouldn't mind..

Present time

Y/n placed her bag in her room, texting Wanda to ask where she is. She cleaned up and checked her face in the mirror, trying her best to heal the bruise at the base of her jaw. It finally cleared up, making Y/n focus on the bandage on her stomach. Something's definitely wrong, I'm still bleeding for some reason. She focused hard, her head feeling like it'll split as she tried to heal the wound. Blood from her nose dripped into the sink and Y/n decided she had to stop as she felt faint. Nope. That's not good. Her phone suddenly pinged, a reply from Wanda. Y/n swallowed some aspirin, washed her face, and cleaned the sink before leaving.

Not long later, she was reunited with Wanda in a hotel lobby. The two embraced each other happily. Y/n grimaced as Wanda's arms tightened around her body. She turned it into a smile as Wanda let go of her. "I'd tell you how happy I am to see you, but I don't think it'll be enough," Wanda smiled as her eyes studied Y/n's features, refreshing her memory on what she looked like. "You look different. Your hair's longer," Wanda said, tucking a strand of Y/n's hair behind her ears.

"Does it look bad?" Y/n asked with a small smile at the corner of her mouth. Wanda's finger felt electrifying as it grazed her skin.

"Bad? Nonsense. You look beautiful, miláčik. As always." Y/n's cheeks warmed as Wanda's gaze lingered on her.

"Me? Beautiful? What a charmer you are," Y/n replied jokingly as Wanda chuckled. "As much as I find your flirting attempts adorable, let's get straight to business. What's going on?" Y/n asked.

Wanda tilted her head, wondering why Y/n seemed rushed. "What, no 'Hello, how are you'?"

"I would ask, but I know this is worrying you enough that you'd ask me for help with Astro Boy; of all people," Y/n chuckled.

"Well, because the three of us are connected somehow through the stone, I wanted to ask if you knew anything. Heard or felt something, maybe."

"You couldn't have asked through the phone?"

"Well, you didn't need to drop by if you didn't want to." Wanda's lips pressed thinly together.

Y/n thought about it for a while. "Yeah. I guess you're right. It gave me a good reason to see you as well." Y/n approached Wanda, reaching for her hand and pulling her into her arms. "I'm sorry, Wands. How are you? I'm glad to be here, I really missed you." She held her gently, kissing her cheek before she moved away. "Let me know how I can help."

"I missed you too. I'm better now that you're here. Let's head up, okay?" Wanda led the way to an elevator, pressing the button to call for it. "I know you and Vis aren't close. But he's a good friend, and it's only right that I try to help him after everything he did for me. You didn't have to help, so I really do appreciate you doing this," Wanda said, walking into the waiting elevator. She turned and saw Y/n grimacing as she entered as well. Y/n quickly hid her expression when she noticed Wanda watching. "Are you okay?" Wanda asked worriedly. She pressed the floor button and went to check on Y/n.

"I'm okay," Y/n brushed it off, folding her arms across her body just in case. "I'm doing this mostly for you, to be honest. How can I say no to you?" Y/n smiled. "So, what's got Astro Boy in a knot?"

"Astro Boy? Is that really your nickname for him?" Wanda asked as Y/n shrugged. "Well, it's like I said. The stone has been giving him some problems. It seems to be hurting him in some way." The elevator door opened and Wanda led them down the hall.

"Interesting. And when did it start?" Y/n quickly checked her shirt, making sure her wound was not bleeding through as she followed behind.

"Not really sure, he's only told me about this recently," Wanda said, stopping to knock on a door. A few seconds later, the door opened. Vision gave them a polite smile before inviting them in.

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