Chapter 29

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The team sat around the large table, having a brief meeting about their Lagos mission tomorrow. Steve broke down the details of the mission as Natasha, Wanda, and Sam sat down, listening intently as they brushed up on their plans. Y/n asked to sit in, not knowing what to do after she was done training. Y/n tried hard to keep her question down, already knowing their answer, but she couldn't help herself.

"I can go too if you guys need more hands. Won't be my first rodeo, plus it's been a while since I've been on a mission."

Everyone at the table looked at each other until Steve spoke up. "As much as we appreciate the offer, Y/n, we do think it's best you stayed back first. Just until you have better control of your powers."

"You guys do know that I can make do without my powers too, right? I can still shoot pretty well, and fight hand-to-hand if needed."

"Yes, but...," Steve sighed, wondering how to put things best. "We know you're progressing well with your training, but it's just a matter of—"

"If you're worried about me going 'boom' again, the watch will help with that."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I heard, that watch knocks you out if you 'charged up' too much right?" Sam asked. Y/n nodded, seeing where he was going with this. "Not trying to be rude asking this but, what happens if the watch does knock you out, in the middle of a tight situation? We can't risk anyone being a liability with this mission, Y/n."

"That came out a bit harsh, but he's right," Natasha added, looking apologetically at Y/n. "You can start doing missions when the watch comes off. But for the time being, I'm sorry Y/n."

"It's okay, I get it. Just trying my luck, see if I can be a team player," she smiled. "Besides, I can't just sit around and eat all your food and do nothing for it, right? I'm no freeloader." The team laughed along with her, relieved that she understood. "I'll hang back and tag along next time then, no problem."

Natasha smiled at Y/n, speaking up while they prepared to end the meeting. "Before I forget, Monica just told me earlier that she'd like to see you tomorrow. Said she had some updates she'd rather tell you in person."

Y/n leaned back, wondering what she'd meant by that. "Sure, thanks for the heads-up Nat."


Y/n made her way to the city center before noon, enjoying the quiet drive. She parked and walked up to the restaurant where Monica had asked to meet. They greeted each other, catching up briefly over lunch. Y/n tried several times to ask Monica what she had to say, but Monica always diverted the topic, not quite knowing how to say it to Y/n yet. Monica suggested that they take a walk around when they were done with lunch, Y/n just following along curiously.

"So, what's this about, Monica? I'm sure you didn't just ask me out for a lunch date," Y/n joked.

Monica chuckled. "You wish, Y/n." Y/n smiled, waiting patiently for an explanation, walking along quietly.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid first," Monica asked seriously with a hint of worry in her eyes. Y/n thought about it, shrugging her shoulders before promising Monica. "It's about Suzume."

"What about her?"

"We managed to trace her. But you're not going to like where she is."

"Let me guess. With HYDRA? I thought that was obvious."

"Correct, but it's the specifics that I'm worried about. She's... We have reasons to believe that she's currently in a test lab. One of their smaller ones, easier to move around when needed."

"Test lab?! You mean..." Y/n's voice trailed off, praying that Monica didn't mean to say what she was thinking. Her fears were confirmed when Monica sullenly nodded. "What is she doing there? If that lab does what I think it does... God, nobody deserves that. Not even Suzume. Suzume was a good friend. Is, I still hope..." her words cut off as she tried to hold back a sob. Monica stopped in her tracks, hugging Y/n.

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