Chapter 2 (1996, flashback)

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Y/n's eyes opened suddenly. She took a big breath, her body feeling light. There was no pain. Did her nightmare really end? She looked around and saw that she was in a living room. It looked very familiar somehow. In the background, y/n could hear the sound of a TV blaring.

She turned towards the TV, hearing an advertisement for the Friends sitcom. It was her family's favorite show. The advertisement ended as she smiled and reminisced on how they always sat cuddled together on the sofa to watch it.

"Hey, y/n! Were you trying to watch cartoons without me again? I thought we promised!" y/n heard a young boy's voice call out from somewhere above.

Shocked at the sound of the someone calling her name, she turned off the TV with the remote; not wanting to draw more attention. Surprisingly she knew where it was, because it was always there. It all seemed a little too familiar.

"Wait, don't tell me--," y/n thought to herself as she glimpsed at her reflection on the TV screen. She could hear the footsteps of somebody hurrying down the hallway, someone she presumed was the owner of the young voice. However, she was more preoccupied with who was looking back at her.

Y/n blinked and the young girl blinked as well. Y/n tried to speak but could only move her mouth silently. The little girl mirrored y/n's movements perfectly. Her heart dropped but she didn't have time to gather her thoughts as the boy suddenly entered the living room, looking at her with a look of disapproval, crossing his arms.

"You promised that you'll wait for me to finish my homework, y/n. I'm almost done. Can't you just wait a little longer?" the boy asked her, frowning as his eyebrows heavily sat on his eyes in a way that y/n memorized all too well.

"Lou—Louis?" y/n called out, hearing a small, young voice instead of her own. She started to understand. The voice was hers, just not hers at the current time. It was her younger self that she was hearing. In front of her was her brother, a much younger version than when she last saw him.

Y/n teared up, feeling a mix of emotions. She felt a repressed pain, but most of all she felt relieve. Happiness. Peace. She felt whole. For the first time in a while, she felt safe again.

She ran up to Louis to give him a hug, almost knocking the boy back. Louis was shocked at his sister's reaction, but returned her hug nevertheless.

"Alright y/n, there's no need to be dramatic," he laughed, "you know I wasn't mad. I'm just disappointed," the boy said, sounding wiser than his young age. He rubbed his little sister's back, comforting her as she began to sob.

"If you're really sorry, I'll forgive you. We can even share my homework treat later," Louis sweetly smiled down at his sister, trying to console her.

"Louie, I am sorry. I'm sorry for what happened," y/n cried into her brother's shoulder. She knew her apology was for something deeper, but the young boy didn't know any better. How can she even tell him what she knows, this young boy is innocent and too good for this world. He deserves to not know. He deserves to live happily in this moment.

"Okay, okay. Calm down y/n or mom's gonna think I did something," Louis said, slightly panicking at his sister's sob. He patted her back, trying to quiet her cries.

Y/n did her best to calm down, wiping her tears. She missed this, being this young and so far away from the reality of the world that was seemingly out to get them. Suddenly she heard her mother's voice from the kitchen. Her head pricked up, looking up at her brother as he looked back in suspicion.

She started to run towards the kitchen, stopping in her tracks when she saw her mother. Mrs. Jenny Summers, so bright and warm like y/n always remembered. Her mother, alive and well. Younger and happier, preparing their dinner as she hums a melody to herself. Y/n ran to her mother, hugging her tight. It was a long while since she was able to do this. To hold her mother, and mostly, to feel her mother hold her back.

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