Chapter 25

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Despite trying her best to move past it, the thought of what happened yesterday still bothered y/n. She dreaded what could've happened if Wanda wasn't there to help her. She got up early to take a walk to clear her thoughts. She ran into Natasha outside, deciding to ask her for advice. Walking over slowly, she called out to her. "Good morning, Natasha."

"Good morning!" Natasha greeted her cheerfully. She was in the midst of cooling down from her jog. Looking over at y/n, she could tell that there was something else that she wanted to say. "What's up?"

At first, y/n wanted to brush it off. But knowing that she'll be putting good people in danger, she decided to come clean. "I have something to ask you."

"Oh, really? Never would've guessed from your brooding look," Natasha joked. "What is it, y/n? Anything I can help you with?"

Y/n smiled at her apologetically. "I need your help. Could you give Tony a call, ask him to come over? He's not here, right? There's something I wanted to go over with him and Helen."

"Sure. May I ask what's this about?" Natasha raised an eyebrow, wondering what was going on in y/n's head as she watched her fidget, massaging her fingers quietly.

"Honestly?" Y/n asked Natasha, as she gave her a questioning look in reply. "I was training with Wanda yesterday. I tried to move this heavy box but it wouldn't budge. So, I tried something. Used my emotions to somewhat 'charge' myself, thinking it would amplify what I can do, like what I did back at the lab. Next thing I know, I had a nosebleed. And Wanda had to step in."

Natasha's expression turned to worry at what y/n said. "Were you hurt? Did you go and see Helen yet?" Y/n shook her head slowly at her question. "Y/n..."

"It didn't hurt. Much. At most I got light-headed, but that's it. I'm thinking it's because I don't know how to use my powers properly yet. Especially when I bring emotions into that mess. That's why I wanted to talk to Helen and Tony, maybe they can look into it. The more we understand it, the better right?"

Natasha looked away briefly, a little peeved that y/n didn't take her health seriously. Sighing quietly, she looked back at y/n. "Okay, I'll let him know. But promise me that you'll go and see Helen right away if anything like that happens again."

"I promise. Thank you, Natasha. I appreciate it." They made their own way, both anticipating what new information the upcoming meeting would bring.

Around noon, y/n arrived at the med bay as notified by Natasha. Taking off her earphones as she walked in, she greeted Helen, who was looking at something on the computer. Shortly after, Wanda and Natasha arrived, accompanied by Tony who was carrying a bunch of drinks with him, secured in cup carriers.

"Afternoon, ladies. Smoothies?" Tony offered the drinks to them, stopping y/n when she reached for a cup. "Uh-uh. Yours is the green one."

Y/n looked at Tony, taking the bright-green drink, thanking him before taking a sip. It tasted mildly of vegetables mixed with a bunch of fruits. "Not that I'm ungrateful, but... What's this?"

"Energizing green smoothie. Spinach, green tea, avocado, banana and I forgot what else. Drink up, sounded like you'd need it after what happened yesterday." He placed the cup carriers on a counter, taking a sip from his own cup.

"Oh. Thank you for being thoughtful," y/n nodded, awkwardly taking a long sip and gulping it down as he looked at her.

"Right, let's get straight to work. Your incident yesterday, was that the first time it happened?" Tony asked, inviting y/n to the examination table. She sat on it as Helen attached some wires to her.

"As far as I know, yes."

"Any pain or discomfort after that? Nausea or headaches, maybe?" Helen asked, reading y/n's vitals, confirming that everything was normal.

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