Chapter 37 (part 1)

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December 2016

When Steve broke them out of the Raft, he strongly advised each of them to go their separate ways to avoid being caught. The irony that they were the bad guys now was almost laughable to Y/n. It's been a few months since then. Y/n leaned back in the chair with one leg crossed over the other as she sipped on her iced coffee. She looked around at the other café patrons as they chatted amicably amongst each other. The sight of a red-haired woman talking animatedly to her friend reminded her of somebody. Someone she had missed dearly. Wanda.

Y/n and Wanda had originally wanted to go into hiding together. The risk proved to be too much when they had a few close calls, so they compromised by frequently keeping in touch whilst being away from each other. Y/n even managed to give Wanda a short surprise visit a few months ago. She remembered how happy Wanda was to see her, a memory that made her smile at herself. A waiter came by and placed Y/n's order of club sandwiches carefully in front of her as she thanked him. He smiled at her, glancing at her choice of drink. "Isn't it a little chilly for iced coffee?" He asked with a light accent, a twinkle in his eye as he looked back at her.

"Chilly? Really?" She held her glass and swirled its contents. "Maybe I like the cold. Do you usually question your customer's preferences?" Y/n replied, smirking as she sipped the drink while she maintained eye contact with him.

"No! No, no. Absolutely not," he laughed before he stood up straight and tucked the tray to his side. "I'm kidding, miss. I was just looking for a reason to talk to you, really." He looked down shyly before he turned to her again. After what seemed like seconds, his head tilted and a certain look washed over his face. Y/n could tell right away what was coming judging from what she could sense from him.

"You look familiar. Wait, aren't you..." He took out his phone and quickly tapped on the screen. After a while, his jaw dropped as he showed Y/n the screen. It was a picture with a wanted sign on it. "I can't believe it, it's you!" The other café patrons started to look at them, which made Y/n nervous.

She sighed when the waiter started to get more excited as he gushed about her as quietly as he could manage, which wasn't saying much. He seems nice but he knows and talks too much; I can't risk things. Y/n looked at him, smiling as she nodded at what he said. "Look, you're adorable and everything, but this might compromise my uh—situation, you know?" Some of the customers also had a look of recognition on their faces, and Y/n knew that not everyone would share the same sentiment as the waiter.

She took a deep breath, already regretting what she was about to do. She knows that it's necessary so she could stay out of trouble, but it doesn't make her feel any better about doing it. She closed her eyes, focusing hard as she sensed their feelings. It was loud, with a mix of curiosity, awe (must be waiter boy), and fear. She knew she had to act soon. She pushed through the barrier and felt their minds ease, the noise of their emotions earlier now a subtle murmur. She opened her eyes, noting the eyes of everyone around her returning to their original color from the fading shade of blue. She took a napkin and wiped the blood from her nose before she resumed her meal in peace as the waiter left quietly.

Later that evening, Y/n strolled contently as she watched various people pace the cold streets, shopping for gifts and getting their last-minute preparations ready. Y/n smiled as she neared the shop where she had asked Wanda to help get a specific book for her. She said she would claim it from her the next time they met. They had been texting more constantly the past few days and Wanda mentioned that she would be going this evening.

Y/n excitedly reread the message and turned the corner, slowing to a stop when she saw Wanda looking into the large shop window, her brows furrowed in confusion. Slipping her phone back in her pocket, Y/n walked slowly and stood next to Wanda, pretending to look at the items on display as well. "Is this the shop? Doesn't seem right, though..." Y/n said, watching Wanda's reaction from their reflection.

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