Chapter 7 (2013, flashback)

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The older man called in two guards to help transfer y/n to a wheelchair. She cringed as they guided her off the bed, her body still sore. They sat y/n down, handcuffing her to the arm of the wheelchair. Y/n looked annoyedly at them, the man looking at her almost apologetically.

"I apologize. It's a necessary safety procedure, I'm sure you'll understand," he said, signaling to the two guards to walk behind him as he began to push y/n out of the room.

"Thanks for the confidence, but I think you're slightly overestimating what I'm capable of doing in my current condition. You practically had to drag me out of bed," y/n retorted, making the man laugh out boisterously from behind her. The sound of his laughter was too loud to her. She started to feel a horrible migraine developing.

"Ah, you're a funny one! Glad to see that you still have a sense of humor, what with everything that's happened," he replied. He wheeled her along a hallway. Several people walked up and down the hallway into different rooms and directions, all of them wearing what looked like lab coats.

"I'm lucky I still have that, I think you fried everything else I have back earlier," y/n replied half-heartedly, interested in the sights she's seeing. Though she was dizzy, she took note of the layout of the place, just in case she has a fighting chance to escape. She had to have hope. She needs to get back to her family.

The man laughed aloud at what y/n said, catching her off-guard again. They went in an elevator, one of the guards pressing a button. She couldn't quite make out what level it was, her vision getting blurrier by the minute. Y/n shut her eyes, hoping it'll help tone down the throbbing in her head.

"Good one! Though I think it might be the drugs talking. It should be wearing off by now so be ready for some pain," he patted y/n's shoulder lightly. "I like you kid, you have a certain resoluteness to you. We need more people like you around here. You will certainly be a great asset to us; I cannot wait to see the limits of what you can achieve with us."

The elevator door opened, the four of them exiting and headed into a large room with various computers and machineries set up. At the center of the room was another smaller but heavily enforced room, the walls and glass windows thick and reinforced. Y/n saw the room, her heart dropping as she realized what might be the next step that the man mentioned earlier. She struggled in the wheelchair, the guards quickly moving to hold her arms down.

"No, no please! Let me go, you already have what you want. You took my blood, right? Now you can figure out whatever you wanted to know! So, you don't need me anymore, huh?" y/n tried to bargain. "Please, I need to get back to my family. My mother and Louie, they must be so worried about me. I—Please, please, please," she begged, on the verge of breaking down as one the guards pushed her through the heavy doors.

The man looked at y/n with a confused look. "You really don't remember... oh you poor child. I really hope I didn't damage anything too much earlier," he said, following them into the room. Y/n turned her head, trying to look the man in his eyes.

"What do you mean? What don't I remember? I remember everything! I remember how I was tortured, the serum, all of it! I remember my family. Mom, Louie. They're looking for me, I know it. They're at-- they're at... home? They're..." y/n rambled, trying to recall where her mother and brother were.

The man waved the guards off, instructing them to wait by the door. He kneeled next to y/n, brushing her hair away from her face. "I-- Your mother and brother are, safe. I promise you will get to see them. But you need to do one last thing for us. For me, okay?" He held y/n's face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Y/n? Listen closely if you want to see them again, alright? You have one more thing to do. It's very easy! No more pain, I promise. Do you see that object over there?" the man asked, directing y/n's face and attention to something at the other end of the room. Whatever it was, it was contained in a thick glass casing.

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