Chapter 20

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Helen was looking through a microscope when the three women walked in. She greeted Natasha and Wanda warmly before her eyes landed on y/n. She smiled widely before speaking to her.

"Agent Summers! I'm Helen Cho. I'm glad to see you on your feet. Though it looks like you have a nosebleed. Sit down here please." She guided y/n to sit on the examination table.

"Do you have any headaches currently? Dizziness?" Helen shone a light into y/n's eyes before checking her vitals further. "Heart rate's a little high, blood pressure as well. Anything happened?"

"Well," y/n replied, looking around the room, still taking in where she is and what's going on, "I uh, I woke up feeling very sore. Slightly lethargic too. Then I kind of did something," she glanced at Natasha who gave her a knowing look.

"What did you do? I need you to be clear with me so I can treat you accordingly, okay?" Helen said, giving her a tissue to clean her nose up. When y/n wiped the blood away, Helen noticed her bloody knuckles and frowned slightly.

"Yeah, I broke one of the glass panels back there. I might've pushed it too far when I, how do you say this, blasted the glass? I already felt like shit, but I felt worse after that. Then this happened," she showed her hands to Helen. "By the way, what glass was that? It can take a beating, took me a while to get through it."

"That just happens to be blast-resistant glass. You know, in case of explosions, etcetera. We don't want things flying around when we're testing things, do we," a man said, walking in the med bay and speaking with a confident manner that was almost arrogant. "Those panels were several times thicker than regular blast-resistant glass though. And you broke through it, in your current condition? Impressive," he said, folding his arms and squinting at y/n. A few more people walked in, seemingly curious about y/n being there.

Natasha sighed quietly. "Y/n, this is Tony Stark. That's Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Vision. Guys, this is—"

"Y/n Summers. Agent, Y/n Summers of SWORD. Though what happened may put that title in jeopardy, what with the buzz you caused among some very important people," Tony said. Steve glanced at him before offering a handshake to y/n. Y/n cautiously accepted the handshake, wincing when his fingers accidentally grazed her knuckle.

"Oh, sorry about that. Good to see you're up and about y/n, we thought we lost you. Nat told us about Fury and Director Rambeau from SWORD. You have credible sources backing your story up, which is good," Steve said, indirectly meaning to say those words to Tony. Tony noticed, pursing his lips in thought.

"I'll cut straight to the point, save us some time. Do you have any affiliations to HYDRA? Or do you work for someone else; maybe you turned rogue on your boss for locking you up? Heard you escaped from SWORD'," Tony asked. Y/n could sense that he was slightly annoyed, but beneath that was worry. A worry she knew he would never admit or show easily; he was too cocky to do so.

"Yes, I admit that what I did at SWORD was wrong, though I don't know how you even knew about that," y/n replied.

"I have my sources." Tony leaned on a nearby counter as he waited for y/n to continue speaking.

"As for HYDRA, I think whatever happened speaks for itself. I'm the last person you should think of when you think about HYDRA's accomplices. After everything they did to me?" y/n gritted her teeth as she felt the heat buildup with her anger. Her head started to hurt as her nose bled again. Everyone noticed her hand glowing blue when she wiped the blood away.

Wanda rushed to y/n's side to help her calm down as Helen tended to her again, noting an increase in her body's temperature as well as an elevated heartrate. Natasha stepped in between Tony and y/n, her eyes giving a gentle warning for him to stop while Sam placed a hand on Tony's shoulder.

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