Chapter 37 (part 2)

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June, 2017

It has been months since Y/n and Wanda last saw each other. All their manner of contact was only done through their phones. Wanda's eyes scanned the crowd as she searched for the person she was supposed to meet here, the one she had longed to see face to face. She spotted her amongst the crowd, her hair billowing in the cold wind as she looked out over the side of the bridge. Wanda approached excitedly, running to Y/n at the last few steps. Y/n turned to look and a smile spread on her face as she opened her arms to welcome Wanda.

"How are you? Gosh, it's been too long," Wanda muttered in the crook of Y/n's neck, pulling away to look at her.

"I'm good! I missed you," Y/n smiled at Wanda as her eyes travel all over her face, sighing happily when it dawned on her that she was really here. "Shall we take a walk?" Wanda smiled as she nodded, letting Y/n take her hand as they started to walk across the bridge. "How are you? You look good," Y/n said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"I'm okay. I've been quiet as usual, behaving myself. Nothing out of the ordinary. What about you? It's getting harder to even get a text from you nowadays. Have you been that busy?" Wanda laughed.

Y/n carefully hid her thoughts from Wanda. "Really? Sorry, Wands. I've just been doing my own thing mostly; I didn't mean to leave you hanging. I'll do better, I promise," Y/n looked guiltily at Wanda.

Wanda squeezed her hands gently, rubbing the back of her hand with her thumb. It's okay.

Y/n smiled, grateful that Wanda understands. "So, have you met up with anyone from the team these past few months?"

"Nat and Steve did visit once, but mostly it's just Vis." There was a moment of silence before she continued. "Before you think of anything, I'd like to clarify that it's platonic," Wanda explained, "He kept me company occasionally and helped me not feel so lonely, which I'm thankful for. How about you?"

"Just Nat so far. She visited twice, actually. We didn't get to spend much time together though, she had to leave to do her own thing," Y/n casually replied, seemingly not too bothered. Wanda can't deny the slight tinge of jealousy that crept up, understanding now what Y/n had felt. "I might go and visit Steve soon but that depends, I guess. He's a busy, busy man," Y/n laughed. Wanda hummed, Y/n turning to look at her again. "What's that?"

"Nothing... Just wondering if they get to see you more than I do lately," Wanda said jokingly.

"Why? You got bored of Vision being around? Didn't think that would happen," Y/n replied, trying not to smile. Before Wanda could react, she pointed out to a building not far away from them. "Oh, we need to stop there. My hotel just canceled my room booking so I need to get a new place. I hope they still have rooms le--"

"You can stay with me if you want?" Wanda quickly offered.

"I guess that'll work. How's the sleeping arrangement?" Y/n asked as she considered the option.

"There's... there's only one bed," Wanda blurted, her voice getting smaller at the end when she realized how it sounded, her face getting warmer which didn't help her case.

"Is Vision coming down here to visit me as well? Because I don't think the beds here can fit three adults. Sleeping, that is," Y/n smirked as she teased, making Wanda's face grow redder.

"I'll take the couch," Wanda offered.

"And leave me in bed with Astro Boy? No, thank you!" Y/n laughed.

"Vis isn't here, it's just you and me," Wanda replied, half annoyed.

"So, you're suggesting both of us in bed, then? Oh my," Y/n pretended to be flustered. "How about I buy us dinner, you get me that ring I asked for months ago, and then we can discuss this again?" Y/n asked, laughing as Wanda blushed even more. "Come on, I know a good restaurant around here." Y/n continued to lead the way as Wanda followed along.

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