Chapter 52 (part 1).

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A/n: Don't mind me, sneaking in a quick chapter before Christmas 🎄 lol. Trigger warning if you particularly don't like/are sensitive to any violent scenes, some depictions in this chapter may be a little uncomfortable.

Looking down, Lyssa was confused at what she saw. Under her was a single house, surrounded by miles of empty land surrounded by vast blankets of white snow. It was quiet there, except for the occasional rustling of the barren branches of trees in the area. Judging from the location she was given, she figured she was in another country. She landed on the ground, the white powder crunching under her boots.

Something's wrong, she thought to herself as she looked at her surroundings. Everything looks... undisturbed. She cautiously approached the house, checking inside for any signs of a base, or life. Besides the dilapidated interiors and creaky floorboards, there was nothing else there. Her hands curled into fists as her suspicions were confirmed. The pilot lied to me. He fucking dared to lie to me. She felt the cold dissipating around her slowly as the heat of her anger radiated through her body. Before she could gather her thoughts, her attention was caught by distant sounds from outside the house. Lyssa walked back outside, eyes scanning the horizon.

She could see several vehicles approaching, tires tearing through the undisturbed snow as their engines roared, breaking the serenity of her surroundings. Even from a distance, she could see the armed men aiming their weapons at her from the vehicle windows. Lyssa gritted her teeth, keeping in mind to make the pilot pay when she finds him later. She watched calmly as they finally surrounded her, exiting their vehicles and keeping their eye on her. She saw a big, tall, middle-aged man exit one of the jeeps, stepping forward confidently as two other men stood by his side.

"Ms. Lyssa? Welcome! I'm Sgt. Alister. We've been sent to pick you up. Stand down and let my men take you in peacefully, will you? You're this close to home already, don't make this any more difficult than necessary." The man spoke loudly, his voice carrying over easily. "It's cold out here. Follow me and we'll have you drinking hot cocoa in a while. That sounds nice, doesn't it?"

Lyssa looked around calmly, noticing the similar red and black patches they wore on their uniforms. What are they, soldiers? She noted the skull and tentacles logo which seems distantly familiar to her. "All this, for me? Didn't know I'd get a welcoming party. Would've dressed up for the occasion."

The sergeant laughed lowly, shaking his head. "They told me to be careful of you. They didn't tell me you were a wisecrack too." Lyssa shrugged, sensing the cockiness in his behavior as she kept her eyes on him. "I like you," he nodded. "You've got a certain edge to you. A little zest. Say, would you do me a favor and step forward? Follow orders calmly like the good soldier that you are?"

Lyssa sneered at his comment. "I believe you heard wrong about me. They," she gestured around her, "they are soldiers. They won't question your commands. I'm not one of them."

Sgt. Alister sighed, his patience starting to wear thin. "Yes, you are. That's what you're made to be. That is all you are at the end of the day; a soldier. And that's okay! Because you'll soon realize how great it feels to follow the path of greatness. The path they have carved for you, just waiting there for you to take it. HYDRA, is waiting for you. You would be welcomed as a hero," he spoke almost condescendingly. "Don't you want that? Come with me and I'll tell you more on the way back home, huh?"

Lyssa laughed as it was her turn to shake her head out of disbelief. "No... No, thanks. Sounds too cult-ish for me. And if you knew what I did to get here, I don't think you would call me a hero. Or a friend of HYDRA at all." Lyssa smiled at him as she heard the soldiers around her cocking their weapons. She could sense their nerves heightening, watching the sergeant's body language change as well.

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