Chapter 46 (circa June 2019)

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Y/n rinsed her glass under the cold water, watching the soapy water disappear down the drain. Her phone rang, shaking her off her daze. She ignored the ringing device as she picked up a plate this time to rinse, feeling relieved when the ringing stopped. Not long after, her phone rang again. Y/n sighed loudly, placing the dishes to dry by the sink. She walked to her phone, confused when she saw the caller ID. The words 'HQ' were displayed on the screen.

"HQ? Wh—Oh shit." Y/n wiped her hands on her shirt and quickly answered the call, almost hesitant to figure out what the call was about. "Hello?"

"Y/n? It's me." Maria's voice sounded unsure on the line. "Am I bothering you? I wanted to talk but I guess we could postpone if—"

"No! No, we can talk Direct—I mean, Maria? Or..." Y/n didn't know how to refer to her, suddenly remembering how she was suspended indefinitely. Another memory she didn't want to think about tonight. She could hear Maria laughing slightly in the background.

"It's alright, you can call me Maria. Though I would appreciate at least a 'Ma'am' in official settings. You know, just for formality's sake."

"Sure. Maria." It still felt weird to Y/n to refer to her ex-director that way. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"Not really. It's just that... Do you think you could drop by at the HQ tomorrow? I'd like to have a little chat about this whole mess that we're in." Maria noticed the slightly prolonged silence on the other end of the line. She knows it must be awkward for Y/n to receive a call from her after all this while, which made her feel guilty for not reaching out earlier. "I know how sudden this is, I apologize. But do you think you can make it? Agent Romanoff would be there as well. And before you start with me, don't try and give me that excuse about flights."

Y/n let out a laugh at her remarks. "Well... Since you've heard my one excuse, I guess I have to go then." The women shared a light moment as they laughed together, feeling the awkwardness lessen slightly. "What time?"

"11.00 am? If you're not doing anything else that is."

"Sure, I think I can do that. See you tomorrow." Y/n's lips stretched thin, a little anxious about what the purpose of their meeting was going to be.

"See you." Maria ended the call, sighing tiredly. Her eyes traveled to a picture frame she had placed on her desk. It was one of her looking proudly at Monica while Monica beamed brightly in her graduation robes at the camera. She was never one to bring or have personal items at work, but she didn't exactly have the words to describe how much she misses her daughter, so this would have to do.

She felt so much love looking at the picture, accompanied by an equal amount of emptiness and pain that filled the void of her loss. She wiped the tears that had started to roll down, giving her daughter a kiss the only way she could now before placing the picture frame face down on her desk. She took a few deep breaths and got up with a long and tired sigh, getting a drink to help her medicines go down easily.


Y/n could see the SWORD headquarters come up fast. She flew down, shifting her body weight mid-air, and landed on the ground by the main entrance carefully before walking in through the large doors. Several agents were in shock seeing her, not knowing how to react. The guards were just about to stop her when the receptionist called her name, letting her and the other personnel there that her presence was expected. She was led down a familiar path leading to the director's office.

Y/n's eyes scanned her old workplace, wondering how much had changed. The corridors were the same as always, but Y/n was sure that that wasn't the case. Her mind wandered, wondering if she should try asking anyone she knew if Rowan or Monica was around. In a daze, Y/n didn't realize that she had arrived at the director's office, standing awkwardly at the door as one of the guards held the door open for her.

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