Chapter 26 (Part 2)

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It was almost dinner time when Wanda went towards the kitchen. She heard the rest of the team already chatting, helping to prepare the table. She smelled something familiar. Stew? She couldn't help but smile a little as she entered the kitchen, only to see Vision at the stove. He was holding a piece of paper, whispering to himself as he added a pinch of something into the pot.

Y/n noticed Wanda walking in, remembering what Natasha said earlier. She saw Wanda looking at Vision and wondered if she should try and go talk to her. Y/n wanted to ask Wanda so badly about what happened in the combat training room. She wasn't quite sure what had happened between them, but she was worried that by asking, she would embarrass herself, or worse, ruin things by making things awkward.

"Well? Did you manage to say something yet?" Natasha asked, whispering the question to Y/n as Steve watched them curiously, finishing the table setting before sitting down. Y/n just managed a smile at Natasha nervously, changing the conversation by talking to Steve instead to calm her nerves.

Wanda looked around, her eyes scanning for someone in particular, looking away quickly when she spotted her. Y/n was smiling as she sat next to Natasha, who quickly whispered something to Y/n's ear. Y/n smiled at her before chatting away with Steve. Wanda could tell that Y/n was a little nervous for some reason. Maybe that reason is Natasha, silly. She looked away, going to the stove to check on Vision instead.

"Vis? What are you cooking?"

"Wanda! I'm making paprikash. I thought it might lift your spirits."

"Lift my spirits? Why?"

"Well, you looked a little down earlier today, and I, I wanted to do something nice for you."

Wanda decided to go along, appreciative that Vision was trying to make her feel better despite not even knowing why she was upset. She tasted the dish, gulping down the spoonful. "Spirits... lifted," she said, trying to smile convincingly at Vision.

"In my defense, I, I haven't actually have uh, eaten anything before so—"

"May I?" Wanda asked, Vision making way as he nervously watched her add spices to the dish.

Y/n watched as Wanda and Vision seemingly bonded over cooking, having small conversations that seemed private, seeing how quietly they were talking to each other. In between giggles and exchanged looks, they finally finished the dish, Vision carrying it to the table as Wanda smiled almost proudly as she walked behind him. Y/n can't deny that seeing that doesn't feel a little sore.

"Vision made paprikash!" Wanda exclaimed almost too excitedly, as Vision smiled shyly back at her.

"Well, she meant to say that I tried, it's not even close. You're being too nice to me Wanda." The whole table laughed with them, except for Y/n, who was smiling as best as she can. Wanda noticed how Y/n seemed to be fine with all this, which hurt her a little.

"Well, it is a nice gesture from you to me and I appreciate it, Vis. It's sweet," Wanda said, getting an aww from Steve. Y/n gulped a lump down as Natasha watched everyone's interaction interestedly. They ate dinner together, Wanda offering to clean up when they were done. Vision was quick to offer his help, delighted at the chance to have more time to talk with Wanda.

Natasha could see how awkward it was for Y/n to be in the same room as the other two, judging by the way she almost jogged out of the dining area once they were done. Y/n disappeared to the recreation room, heading to the pool table to distract her thoughts. Natasha followed Y/n, deciding to have a talk with her.

"Can I join you? If you don't mind, I mean." She asked Y/n, who was setting up the table, placing the cue ball before walking towards the pool cues.

"Umm, sure. Here." She handed one to Natasha before lining up a shot. "I'll go first, I call stripes."

"Say, Summers," Natasha asked, receiving the pool cue. "Do you have any hobbies? Interests maybe?"

"Why'd you ask?" Y/n replied, slightly annoyed at the question, as she hit a striped ball into a pocket.

"If you had any, it'd be good to pursue them. Unless you don't mind losing the chance, or time," Natasha said cryptically, aiming her pool cue and effortlessly directing a solid ball into another pocket.

"I believe it was still my turn," Y/n said. "Besides, what's it to you?" She chalked her pool cue, observing Natasha's face to see what she was going on about. She knew right away that she was up to something.

"Oh, sorry, didn't notice. Nothing... nothing to me."

Y/n decided to play along with Natasha, but she was determined to turn it against her instead. Okay, Miss Romanoff. Two can play this game. It'll be nice to have the upper hand once in a while. Let's see how you like being teased for once.

"Well, maybe you should pay close attention especially if you want to play more games with me," Y/n said moving closer to her. The double entendre caught Natasha unaware, gasping quietly when Y/n sat on the table very close to her. "What's the matter, nervous?" Y/n said, looking up into her eyes, a playful challenge.

"A little. Haven't played pool in a long while," Natasha quickly replied, stepping away to line up another shot. Y/n smirked, pleased to cause that reaction.

"Take all the shots you want Natasha, but the pool table is where I can actually beat you," Y/n goaded her.

Natasha looked at her. "Oh, it's on. And just call me Nat, Natasha's too formal for you at this point."

"Huh. The Black Widow took a liking to me, finally," Y/n laughed.

"Careful, or you're addressing me as Agent Romanoff," Natasha warned playfully.

"Well, that's actually kind of attractive. Hot, if I'm honest," Y/n teased her, making Natasha miss her shot. "Pay attention, Nat. Don't let me distract you. It's my turn now, scoot over and stop cheating."

"Ты глупый," Natasha laughed, playfully swatting at Y/n's arm, as they continued to play pool together, both determined to win.


Wanda felt a little horrible about earlier, not wanting to lead either Vision or Y/n on. She decided that she'd talk with Y/n, and get to know her a little bit more first. Besides, it's dumb to jump to conclusions, right? She asked herself.

The only way to know what the both of them had shared back there was to spend more time together. Maybe a random conversation can lead up to that question? A question that Wanda wanted to ask but doesn't know how to. She gathered her courage to ask if Y/n would like to hang out first for a bit. As friends, no need to be nervous, she thought.

She looked for Y/n, finding her in the recreation room with Natasha, laughing as they joked around the pool table. Y/n looked up, stopping in her tracks to address Wanda.

"Oh, hey! What's up?"

A slight pang of jealousy hit Wanda as she was reminded of what she saw at the gym earlier. "Hi, Y/n."

Natasha looked back and forth between the two, watching them struggle with their conversation while she sat at the edge of the table.

"Umm, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked.

"I thought I'd ask you to hang-- It's okay, you're busy. Sorry to bother you."

"No, not at all. I just thought you'd be with Vision or something." Y/n was getting more confused by the moment, Natasha face-palming as discreetly as she can manage.

"Huh..." Wanda replied simply, Vision coming in right on cue.

"Hey Wanda, would you like to... Oh, hi Y/n, Natasha. Do you mind, if I could have Wanda's attention for a moment?"

Y/n gave him a tight-lipped smile. "I mean, sure... I guess."

Wanda and Y/n shared a look, their eyes saying more than their mouths could right now. Wanda gave Natasha a weak wave, smiling half-heartedly at Y/n who responded the same way as she watched Wanda leave with Vision.

"That went as well as I'd imagined," Natasha said. Y/n glanced at her, aiming again at the next striped ball, trying her best to control the shot's power this time.

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