Author's Notes (Please read, tq!)

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Hey guys! How are you? Hope it's been good <3

Wait! Before you skip, I have an important question to ask you! But first, I'd like to thank you for being patient with me and reading my story! It's not a standout for sure, one out of many like its kind, but I'd still like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read Summers' Purpose! The most fun part for me is seeing the different parts of the map coloured in (WP authors would know). Not saying I cried but a tear or two of gratitude did escape...

I'd like to say that we're about halfway-ish through the story... maybe? What are your thoughts on Y/n and her relationship with the rest of them? The story itself? Is she too whiny?! Hahaha! I'm trying my best to develop her character arc guys, it will all hopefully make sense. I'd maybe like to write sequels to this book so, yeah... gotta lay them foundations down somehow, amirite :') If you'd like to share any thoughts, do leave a message, I do appreciate some feedback/impressions if you have any!

Now, the question. Well... how do you feel about some blush-inducing scenes (and I don't mean the innocent kind, mind you) in this book? Should those powers be used for more creative purposes? *winkwink*

Honestly, I'm having an internal battle whether I should include it or not for some reason lol. Not to mention that I have no idea how I would write that. Should it be poetic? Straightforward? Should it be in a different chapter so that those who'd like to skip it can do so?! Or should I skip it altogether??! I'm so lost right now hahah. I do know where such scenes can be included in this book, if it was allowed to happen. (it's not far away tbh so I'm actually quite nervous)

This is my first time writing a story this long. Thank you for coming along on the ride! Hold on tight because Y/n is about to be pushed around even more because why not heheheheh

Until the next chapter (coming very soon), my lovelies!~

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