Chapter 16

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A/N: This whole story happened after the whole Sokovia incident so it has Tony feeling guilty, which will slightly explain his reaction and behavior in this chapter.

Wanda gasped loudly, startled awake as she sat up in bed. The voice from a few weeks ago resonated clearly in her head once again. This time, Wanda remembered how the wave of energy had hit her in the dream, the anger seeping through her. Her irises were glowing, red spheres already forming in her palms. Realizing the state she was in, Wanda calmed herself down and focused on the voice that was now clearly in distress.

She tried to reach out to the person but there was too much noise between them. Every time she came close enough, something else distracts either one of them. But she can sense that the person is aware of her. Does this mean that you are real? Who are you? How are you doing this?!

The more the person pleaded, the more she tried to reach out to them. But doing this puts a strain on her. Her head throbbed as the voice became weaker and weaker. She got up as fast as she could, the anger from before now turning into worry. She considered what to do, finally deciding to tell Natasha about her dream.

As she walked towards the door, she heard someone knocking urgently on the other side, the sudden interruption startling her. Wanda quickly opened the door, greeted by Natasha whose fist hung awkwardly between them, still in the middle of knocking. Natasha lowered her hand quickly as Wanda watched, both with their brows furrowed.



Both of them looked at each other in surprise, wondering why the other was awake and looking concerned.

"I—Sorry to bother you. I didn't think you'd be awake," Natasha said, shifting uncomfortably in place.

"It's okay. I just woke up. I was on the way to tell you something," Wanda replied. She massaged her temples gingerly as she spoke, standing by the door.

Natasha looked at her with concern. "You alright? What is it?"

"I'm fine, don't worry. Anyway, do you remember the dream I told you about? I just had another one. It was the same person from before but... it's slightly different this time."

Natasha took a moment to think about what Wanda just told her. "Yeah, about that. I think you should come see this. Something tells me that it might be related to your dream."

Natasha turned and started walking hastily down the hallway as Wanda followed her. When they reached the conference room, they could see Steve sitting at the edge of the large table, talking to Tony whose face was plastered on the big screen.

Natasha walked closer to the screen while Wanda stood to the side, crossing her arms as she listened. Tony's satellites had just detected an abnormal reading. It came from one of HYDRA's smaller research facility, the one they were supposed to take down in a few days.

"How bad does it look?" Steve asked Tony, his brows furrowed as he looked at the satellite pictures.

"Gee, I don't know. A bunch of buildings looked like it was swatted off the face of the Earth, so you tell me Cap," Tony's voice annoyedly answered. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. Steve sighed, waiting patiently for Tony to gather his thoughts.

"Maybe I could've phrased that better. I've just had a rough— I've had a few drinks. Anyway, the buildings disappeared right after the satellite picked up the explosion. You'd think that blast would've come from their labs if there was a science experiment gone wrong, but looking at the pattern, the labs weren't the source. Slightly concerning because now, instead of asking 'how' this happened, it's a question of--"

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