Chapter 24

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Y/n arrived early, a little nervous but mostly eager to train. She walked into the combat training room, snacking on some almonds as she looked around. It was another big area, though this one was more spacious than the gym. It was mostly empty save for several large metal boxes lined against a far wall, with large windows framing the high walls and ceilings. Early evening light spilled in through the glass, the soft rays bouncing off the floor and illuminating the room.

Y/n made her way to one of the windows. She sat down and leaned against the metal window frame. Chewing on some more almonds, she enjoyed the view outside, watching the clouds roll by slowly while her earphones played her go-to playlist. The warm rays felt good on her skin. Closing her eyes, she wondered how flying freely in the sky would feel.

Y/n didn't hear Wanda's knocks on the door with the music blaring in her ears. Wanda tried to call y/n, waving her hands to get her attention. When she realized that y/n hadn't noticed that she was there, she decided to walk over.

Wanda stood close by, opening her mouth to call y/n but stopped abruptly when she noticed how calm and happy y/n was. Wanda noted how the sun kissed her skin, making it glow in a way. Her dark hair framed her face softly, her head leaning back as she nodded her head gently to some music. A lazy smile on y/n's lips made Wanda feel warm within.

Wanda traced y/n's features gently until she saw y/n opening her eyes, the sun turning her brown eyes into warm, molten honey with specks of amber in them. They almost drew her in if it wasn't for y/n sitting up quickly.

"Wanda! Oh my goodness!" Y/n stood up in shock, her hand on her heart as she looked at Wanda. "You scared me, I didn't hear you coming in. Sorry about that." She removed her earphones, wrapping them around her phone as Wanda watched, still not saying anything. "You okay? Did you just get here or...." Her question hung in the air as she stood awkwardly, waiting for Wanda to reply.

"Yes! Yes, I'm fine, thank you. Let's start, shall we?" Wanda laughed nervously, walking quickly to the center of the room as she felt her cheeks flush. Good thing she can't read minds. I feel like a creep as it is, staring at her like that. Don't be weird, Wanda, come on. She glanced shyly at y/n, wondering if she noticed what happened earlier.

Feeling a little warm, y/n decided to remove the hoodie that she wore. Her t-shirt accidentally rode halfway up her torso as she pulled it over her head, making Wanda's breath catch in her throat, which she quickly disguised as a cough. Y/n looked over, fixing her shirt before neatly folding the hoodie and putting it on the floor, placing her phone and snack on top of it. The rosy blush on Wanda's cheeks made y/n curious. Wanda watched as y/n walked towards her, an amused look on her face.

"Sorry, hope you don't mind the hoodie gone. It was getting a little hot in here," y/n said, purposefully teasing Wanda and trying her best to hide a smirk. They locked eyes briefly, enough for y/n to guess how that sentence affected Wanda. Wanda looked away, taking a deep breath before she replied.

"Yeah, don't worry. As long as you're comfortable. Are you ready?" Y/n smiled and nodded in reply. "Right, so before we begin, can you tell me what you've discovered so far with your powers?

"Well, I know I can do this. You've seen this trick before," y/n said, generating a blue mist that slowly turned into a swirling ball of energy in her hand. "I can throw or kind of, shoot, this energy. Use it to attack. I did it back at the HYDRA lab." Y/n focused hard on maintaining the shape of the orb, making sure it didn't get out of control.

"I can move things with my mind. That one's harder, though. Well, I was also thinking about something Vision and Tony said earlier. Something about me producing and accumulating energy? I wondered if I could also take energy from something else and somehow store or reuse it. Like a human battery, which is funny. Or use that energy as a shield. To fly, maybe? Now THAT would be cool," y/n started to ramble excitedly as Wanda listened.

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